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I have bcachefs installed, encrypted multidevice.
Mkinitcpio is capable of mounting it on boot, with a special script I made to unlock the partitions and then (bcachefs) fsck them.
However, in /usr/lib/initcpio/init, rootdev=$(resolve_device "$root") && root=$rootdev does not account for a colon-separated $root variable from the kernel command line.
The system bypasses that and mounts normally when commenting it out.
This causes mkinitcpio to fruitlessly try to resolve that variable without success, eventually just mounting it since mount does support colon-separated devices, making boot times 10 seconds longer.
Boot loader kernel command line for reference:
root=/dev/disk/by-partuuid/db6d8d66-4781-450d-94d4-2626c98c2c13:/dev/disk/by-partuuid/3ef5d906-f3ae-40cd-a9f5-389739d7a0e5:/dev/disk/by-partuuid/16a6ce28-0318-4cc9-a183-5ac2373dbb40 rootfstype=bcachefs rw
Bcachefs-multi mkinitcpio hook for reference:
run_hook() {
echo "Please enter your passphrase:"
read -s pass
for dev in ${root//:/ }; do
echo "Unlocking $dev:"
while true; do
echo $pass | bcachefs unlock $dev && break
read -s pass
# Check filesystem integrity
bcachefs fsck ${root//:/ }
# vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et:
Last edited by mizuhaaaaaa (2021-03-23 05:49:04)
Seems like it's the function resolve_device() in /usr/lib/initcpio/init_functions