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Hi, I've been using a new dual booting (UEFI) computer these past few months with windows and Arch Linux without a problem.
A few days ago, while working on Windows, an infamous blue screen popped up informing about a "SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED" therefore forcing a reboot of the machine. I let it do it's thing and attempt to recover from the incident but it never did.
Now, when GRUB attempts to start Arch, it hangs after the prompt "Loading initial ramdisk" and it won't get past that point.
Things I've tried:
1- Obtain more output from GRUB at the start editing the Kernel_parameters: loglevel=7 and removing "quiet" option. No further info shown.
2- From GRUB command line, select as root partition the main Arch partition (looking for the /boot/grub folder) and boot from there. Still hangs at "Loading initial ramdisk"
3- With an USB installation device attempt to boot into Arch to delete disk partitions and proceed with a clean installation. The process never gets further than selecting the "installation option" in the first menu.(Hangs in a dark screen)
4- Same as option 3 but with Ubuntu. Same result
5- Use a windows USB installation to delete all partitions and proceed with a clean installation. The process never gets passed the windows logo.
If anyone has any ideas I'm open to try them, this is my personal computer which I use for uni and I'm kinda stranded without it.
Thanks a lot.
What was your partition scheme/disk order when you installed Arch and Windows?
What kind of disk are you using, did you do a BIOS hardware/disk check?
Blue Screens are usually signs of hardware trouble. By the look of it you're having problems with Windows, Arch and Ubuntu, I would investigate hardware. Check BIOS, run MemTest, check SMART, etc. if you are able to do so. Most importantly make sure you have a backup of important files.