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#1 2021-04-25 00:56:44

Registered: 2011-12-25
Posts: 529

Random freeze with Gqrx when using hackRF driver 2021-03-1


I have a hackRF (2014 PCB version, with the last firmware 2021-03-01 version) and I use Gqrx as SDR software.

It worked well with hackRF driver archlinux package 2018-1 version.

But recently (22 april 2021) archlinux has released a new version of hackRF driver package (2021-03-1) :

and now the Gqrx package provided by archlinux has random freeze when using this hackRF driver 2021-03-1 version.
The freeze can occur when switching several times the frequency mode in the GUI (FM to AM and vice-versa), 30% of the times Gqrx freezes when changing the frequency mode.

If I downgrade hackRF driver to 2018-01 version then the bug disapears, all is ok.

Then if I use the official appimage of Gqrx (last version, same as archlinux package : 2.14.4) then there is no freeze, no bug.

Do you notice the same thing ?

I suspect a problem in the archlinux package of Gqrx (as the appimage version doesn't have this problem), perhaps bad options for the compilation were used by the archlinux packager, or problem with the dependencies ?


Last edited by Potomac (2021-04-28 22:30:50)


#2 2021-04-25 02:05:05

Registered: 2011-12-25
Posts: 529

Re: Random freeze with Gqrx when using hackRF driver 2021-03-1

But the appimage can also contain hackRF lib in 2018-01 version, that can explain why there is no freeze.


#3 2021-04-28 22:30:19

Registered: 2011-12-25
Posts: 529

Re: Random freeze with Gqrx when using hackRF driver 2021-03-1

I did a git bisect in hackRF driver (2021-03-01 version), the faulty commit that create the bug is : … 81b37d3a68

I created a bugreport on hackrf upstream site :

Sadly reverting this commit from hackrf is not enough for solving freezes in Gqrx, as recent commits in hackrf change also start/stop rx, tx functions,
1442014 is just the first bad commit, the problem may be more deep (thread management, usb transfert etc...).

Last edited by Potomac (2021-04-29 02:47:50)


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