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well i duno whre to post this, but whatevr..
yesterday i found that for whatever reason a lot of apps stop working ,
and instead started complaining about having an invalid ELF Header... [?] i dunno, that was before and after the upgrade to the 2.5 version...
anyay, i googled it and found a few random users with this problem, so i knew it had nothign to do with anything.. prolly just the unlucky ones lol..
[possible solution]
anways... i managed to fix it [i think] by linking /usr/lib/ to /lib/*2.5 instead of /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/ is an ld-script btw. duno if it should be that way..
i'd file a bug report, but as i said.. it just happened out of teh blue, i did no sys up/down-grades , compiles, nothing... apart form install kdebase to get kate...
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