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As soon as I detach the live disk, the computer cannot connect to the internet
I'm using the latest version of Virtualbox and the latest version of Arch on a Windows 10 PC.
Here's the error for the ping
And here's the error installing xfce4, xfce4-goodies, and lighdm together.
I also tried messing with the mirrors, to no avail
I also can't share the clipboard so pardon for the screenshots
Last edited by ArshiaAghaei (2021-05-21 04:57:25)
And how did you configure your networking?
And how did you configure your networking?
On the guest system. You have to configure the network. See the wiki.
On the guest system. You have to configure the network. See the wiki.
I installed network manager and enabled it in systemctl
But now when I use AUR, it tells me it cannot resolve host
At the same time, I'm connecting to the internet just fine
As a matter of fact, I'm posting from the installed arch system
Last edited by ArshiaAghaei (2021-05-20 15:40:01)
pacman -S dhcpcd
systemctl enable dhcpcd
Do those three lines just before you umount and reboot and you'll be good to go in your Winblows10 / VBox VM (when you reboot, sign in and test with ping -c3
BTW, I have found a couple other problems with w10/vbox All of a sudden, I can no longer have enable 3D Acceleration ticked in VBox Settings and once you remove that tick, then I have 'unghosted' VBoxSVGA which I need because VMSVGA never works. With VMSVGA the vm never boots - it just black screens to a blinking cursor as I remember and even a different tty won't help.