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We are in need of icons for the ArchWiki.
If you are interested...
Icons are currently needed for category (section) headings on following pages: … d_by_topic … English%29 … English%29
There are many icons to make, but the first page is absolutely a priority. We need those 6 icons as soon as possible.
If you have ideas (in a graphic format, please!) please post in this thread.
It would be ideal if the icons match the rest of the Arch website, especially the icons used by the "Arch" theme (Note: this is not the default theme!) on the forum.
Do you speak of these icons?
and various others?
I don't think, that it's important to have a "compatibility" between the forum icons and the wiki ones, although I think that a consistent look throughout the wiki is desirable.
Yes, that is the icon-set to which I refer.
Consistency is very important; we will eventually be looking for a consistent feel across all the ArchLinux sites. However its possible that the forum will also change to maintain consistency.
I think ElasticDog made the original forum icons, and I think he posted the SVGs somewhere on the forum, if anyone wants to work with them.
He did, but I dunno if he did. Drop him a PM, I think he'll happily do the others!
If we didn't have them I'd say email...but if I had my way we'd all have jabber clients in our browsers and people would share their ids...
If we didn't have them I'd say email...but if I had my way we'd all have jabber clients in our browsers and people would share their ids...
Hehe, you do have my support. Just created my jabber account.
Got yer message, and there are a couple of things to consider...the first one being background color. If the wiki will eventually move to a style similar to the one here (which I think it should), then you'll want to plan for a white background versus the almond color it is now.
As far as the buttons on the forum, yes I made all of them by grabbing SVGs from various free icon packages and then making them consistent (in color range, added the black borders, etc.), but for the purposes of the wiki, I don't think we'll really need buttons, just icons. I would imagine that it would be easiest just to find a nice free icon set, and stick with it for the wiki real design work necessary. You just need to load the SVG in Inkscape and export to whatever size png you want. As a suggestion, I really like the look of the icons on the SLAX modules page (which I think came from the Nuvola Icon Set), or even grabbing some from the Tango Desktop Project Icons. Really, any set that we could agree on would be fine.
If the wiki will eventually move to a style similar to the one here (which I think it should), then you'll want to plan for a white background versus the almond color it is now.
Something like that is indeed likely, yes.
IMHO we should just use Tango icons. Reasons:
1) nice look
2) there are many of them for almost every task needed, will be OK for forums/wiki/BT/mainsite/AUR
3) they are consistent
4) 3 sizes + SVG
5) have transparent backgrounds so can be used on any background
6) there is good doc how to make similar icons.
Icons like those on SLAX modules page are too colorful IMHO.
Doing own icons is hard work. And this is kind of one-time process - it will be hard to make few additional icons later which will look similar, especially when original files/templates are lost and steps of modifying procedures are forgotten.
to live is to die
IMHO we should just use Tango icons.
Very nice set, indeed.
Okay, I'll do the icons using Tango set and Inkscape. I'm still practicing my skills with Inkscape, but icon export shouldn't be a hard task.
Romashka wrote:IMHO we should just use Tango icons.
Very nice set, indeed.
Okay, I'll do the icons using Tango set and Inkscape. I'm still practicing my skills with Inkscape, but icon export shouldn't be a hard task.
Unless you want to go bigger than 32x32 pixels, you can just grab the png files directly from the Tango site. If you want bigger and run across problems with Inkscape, let me know and I can walk you through it...
Unless you want to go bigger than 32x32 pixels, you can just grab the png files directly from the Tango site. If you want bigger and run across problems with Inkscape, let me know and I can walk you through it...
I was thinking larger for levels 1 and 2 (not counting the [Language]). Like 128x128, maybe. So, I'll use 32x32 for level 3. And level 4 will, of course, have no icons.
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