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Based on the one-liner found in the wiki, I started building around it (mostly an excersize to learn bash/pacman). Not as complex or impressive as other utilities here but, it suits my uses well so hopefully others find it useful.
- Searches official repos by pkg name and display info and files, handoff to pacman for installation (tab selection for multiple pkgs)
- Searches Aur by pkg name and display info (files if previously installed, also preview pkgbuild keybind), handoff to yay for installation
- Searches/Displays infos/files of local pkgs (seperate option for locally built (mostly aur) pkgs)
- Searches locally by pkg name, displays infos/files, handoff to pacman for removal (pacman -Rsn)
- Searches orphans by pkg name, displays infos/files, handoff to pacman for removal (pacman -Qtdq)