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How do I increase the max volume past 100%? Similar to how you can check over-amplify volume in Gnome Tweaks.
I use dwm as my window manager.
Last edited by ThinkPad (2021-08-05 20:29:37)
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ 150%
you don't have a limit here.
If you want to have an incrementing command up to a certain threshold you might want to use some other mixing tools that allow you to define an upper limit like pulsemixer or so.
Thank you, I will test this out. Before I do I want to understand what you mean by limit. It looks like the 150% is the top limit that you're setting, no?
No, this is what I want the value to be. pactl does by itself not have a concept of a limit you could do
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ 1000%
if you wanted but whatever you are playing will likely be not fun to listen to at that value
What I'm primarily talking about is if you use it for your volume up and down buttons with e.g.
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%
you can "+5%" to infinity if you press the button often enough.
If you don't want that, use one of the alternative pulse mixer, e.g. in the aforementioned pulsemixer you can do
pulsemixer --change-volume +5 --max-volume 150
and it will stop going up when that value has been reached. Note that I'm just using this as an example pretty sure most other mixers can do something similar, I just know that pactl itself has no inherent mechanism to limit this.
Thank you very much for the added detail! That really sets me up!