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#1 2021-08-16 06:44:32

Registered: 2021-08-13
Posts: 7

[Solved] Arch Newbie with Mate Guided Installer Inquiry

I just tried to install Mate on an older PC with the guided installer. Twice. It failed each time due to lightdm not being present and functional. Of course, this happened at the end of the install after it downloaded GB's of data on my limited data. It resets in a few days so I won't lose much sleep on it, but still, looking at the log file I wasn't able to determine the disconnect. Cinnamon install just passed that point a minute ago and lightdm seems legit. Any idea why it would work for Cinnamon, but not Mate? Is there a repo anywhere for this particular portion of the installer that can be updated on the ISO in live mode or must I wait for the next ISO to test this again? I definitely want to find the disconnect to see if it's affecting a lot of people down the line, but not confident I know how to do that effectively. I also want to see Mate in Arch. Is there anything I can do to help aside from pasting this error log to github?

Last edited by diortemew (2021-08-16 19:03:43)


#2 2021-08-16 12:53:14

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,338

Re: [Solved] Arch Newbie with Mate Guided Installer Inquiry

I'm confused about your goals.  Are you looking to get a functional system up and running, or are you trying to contribute to the review / debugging of the guided installer?  If the former, set all of this aside and just use the guided installer for the base install - from there reboot into your system and install a DE as "normal' (note: I didn't even know the guided installer had DE installation ... stuff).

If your goal is to test and troubleshoot, that seems perhaps at odds with the "newbie" claim, and definitely at odds with the metered network concerns: those probably aren't the conditions in which tinkering and testing with such a tool will be viable.

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#3 2021-08-16 18:38:28

Registered: 2021-08-13
Posts: 7

Re: [Solved] Arch Newbie with Mate Guided Installer Inquiry

My goal is to further test this and see if I can help by sending logs and such, but also try a fresher approach if the installer can be updated without a new ISO. Looking at the documentation, I think I can update the archinstall on the live boot, but I don't see how. If this is the case, I can test old vs new and see if the same problem exists. Mate will not install. LightDM fails every single time, but Cinnamon and Xfce4 install perfectly. I'm not new to Linux, just Arch in general. I'm a Fedora user. dnf is my jam, so I have a lot to learn here. And if I can help along the way all the better.

If anyone can try the Mate guided installer on a VM, does it fail for you, too?



[op edit: I found the repo from Torxed and will submit the logs per the guided installer; marking this as solved so this doesn't waste further time, I found what I was looking for on this last deep dive into the documentation.]

Last edited by diortemew (2021-08-16 19:04:03)


#4 2021-08-16 23:13:50

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,338

Re: [Solved] Arch Newbie with Mate Guided Installer Inquiry

diortemew wrote:

... but also try a fresher approach if the installer can be updated without a new ISO.

Ah, yes - that's the easy part.  Assuming you have sufficient ram, you just update the package.

But I've been looking at the documentation ... I don't see *anything* about the official arch installer doing anything at all with installing DEs.

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#5 2021-08-16 23:31:18

From: Scotland
Registered: 2010-06-16
Posts: 12,638

Re: [Solved] Arch Newbie with Mate Guided Installer Inquiry

It ships with several "pre-programmed profiles", including several for installing DEs and setting up various services:
https://python-archinstall.readthedocs. … d-profiles … r/profiles

Doesn't look like any of them have changed in the past few months, so I'm unsure what updating the live environment will achieve.

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