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#1 2021-08-18 15:20:47

Registered: 2018-12-24
Posts: 15

Grub multiboot usb drive boot stuck on "fs/fat.c:553" loop

Hi evryone,

I was trying to install arch using my multiboot usb stick made using the dedicated wiki page, and encountered what seams to be a driver error with the iso 2018.06.01 (the only hardware interface recognized was the loopback). I decided to update my iso to the 2021.08.01, using the same grub config file (changing only the names of the initramfs and vmlinuz) but the boot freezes after the initramfs load (no more blink of the led and the gub menu not usable. I only put:

set debug=all

inside the grub config file to see what was going on, and I saw that this was repeating with XXXXXXX starting around 1000000 and being incremented each time:

fs/fat.c:553 fat_size=32, nextcluster=XXXXXXX

I wasn't able to find someone having the same issue. I can confirm that the iso is not corrupted. Is it possible that the wiki page is not up-to-date?

Thank you for your answers!

EDIT: After one hour and a half (my computer have a i9!), it finaly booted, so I assume that an option is missing and that once the right cluster is found it boots. Do you know haw I could avoid that?

Last edited by charlie_02 (2021-08-18 17:15:16)


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