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#1 2021-08-31 10:41:10

Registered: 2020-11-10
Posts: 1

Using st to display images , w3m not integrating with ueberzug

Hi there,

So I had an issue that I didn't recall before , and it was that I was not able to display images in my terminal `st`
I'm using the `lukesmith` `st` build , but nevertheless I was always able to display images in `rangerfm` with this setup.

Note: I use suckless `dwm` for X server

So after setting up `w3m-img` I was able to by using other terminal emulator (`uxterm`) , to visualize these images , but I use `st` and wanted to set it up this way.

So I have installed `ueberzug` with `pip3 install ueberzug` and changed it in

vi ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf
set preview_images true
set preview_images_method ueberzug

rangerfm works great,
Now tried in w3m by

w3m [url=][/url]
# press o
Use external image viewer                                                  (*)YES  ( )NO
External command to display image                                          [ueberzug            ]

then I

w3m [url=][/url]

And its not working unfortunately , I get no errors but the image is not shown.

Anyone here sucessfull integrating `w3m` and `ueberzug` ?


Last edited by freddieventura (2021-08-31 10:43:45)


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