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I've a problem installing Arch (version 2021.10.01) on a windows 10 SSD (512 Go). My Dell xps 8940 is a new one with windows pro.
The initial pre-installed version was raid, but I manage to transform AHCI without reinstalling. (Thank's to - … -windows/)
I remove fast start and secure boot and bitlocker.
Using windows disk management, i shrinked the main partition of windows and I create 3 new partitions with windows manager (one for root, one for home and one for swap)
I lauched the installer and everything went fine till chroot.
There was no warning ni error with [arch-chroot /mnt].
But in the new environment (prompted by [root@archiso /]#) nothing works :
- ls gives : [bash: ls: command not found]
- cd works, I was able to cd /etc (but I can't see what files there were)
- I saw on the wiki chroot that sometimes bash doen't work and one can try source /etc/profile and source ~/.bashrc
- I tried them and [source /etc/profile] returns [bash: /usr/bin/tty : no such file or directory]
and the command [source ~/.bashrc] returns there is no .bashrc (wich seems true).
- I tried a manuel chroot : same result
- In the forum I saw someone asking [strace -f chroot /mnt > <file>]. I did it but there was the message [strace will not execute and completion _strace exists.]. I can't find any explanation for this message on the net nor in the Arch forum...
- I tried the same with [strace -f -o <file> arch-croot /mnt] : same result.
Can someone find what's happening or ask me for more displays ?
In advance, thank you
Last edited by Christil (2021-10-18 16:40:16)
So you created the partitions in Windows. How did you format them?
I formated them with mkfs.ext4 and mkswap.
Last edited by Christil (2021-10-17 19:01:32)
Thank's to Scimmia, he gave me the idea to create partitions with fdisk and not by the windows manager.
Las fdisk doesn't work because he does not show the free spaces between existing partitions. Using parted worked fine and I can install Arch as a dual boot with windows.
Hi Christil.
Out of interest, did you manage to get your Ethernet to connect to the internet on your XPS 8940 using Arch Linux?
Many thanks!
Last edited by banfastfood (2021-12-02 14:31:24)
Everything went right. No problem with Ethernet in the installer... Nor in the final install.