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o is a small and simple editor written in Go.
o uses the VT100 terminal codes, so it's a bit limited. For instance, ctrl-n and ctrl-p is used to scroll up and down instead of PgDn and PgUp.
It also includes GUI front end written in C++ (using VTE) named ko, where PgUp and PgDn works.
One unique feature is the ability to copy and paste within and across files by using portals (ctrl-r to toggle a portal on the current line, ctrl-v to paste through portals when a portal is active).
It can also be used for viewing man pages with MANPAGER=o, if in a pinch. It also works well together with git with i.e. EDITOR=o git commit.
ctrl-space can be pressed to compile programs, for a wide range of programming languages.
The time it takes to go from blank file to a compiled C program is pretty brief, if cxx (a utility for compiling simple C and C++ programs with no configuration needed) is also installed. Just:
o main.c
Press ctrl-w to insert a template.
Press ctrl-space to compile the program.
This above steps (from nothing to a compiled C program) takes less than 2 seconds on my system.
o is also intended to be a good fit for i.e. learning Zig while trying to solve Advent of Code tasks.
It jumps directly to the location of the first error when ctrl-space is pressed.
It's not revolutionary, but I use it every day.
Last edited by xyproto (2021-12-10 17:44:14)
o is nice, but ko only gives me an empty black window.
Last edited by Stefan Husmann (2021-12-06 17:22:03)
Thanks for trying out o, Stefan Husmann.
When starting o or ko with a blank new file, the window is black and everything is in order. One can start typing.
Press ctrl-g to toggle a status bar at the bottom.
Last edited by xyproto (2021-12-12 14:33:49)