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Thanks rasat;-), actually I don't use Fvwm and use a tiller I3WM for my daily env, I just build an ISO with Fvwm which makes it a little more hassle to create all (edited) files & configs & scripts! needed for the ISO which are created on the ISO!
I already read a lot of wiki, forum and github about Fvwm and already came across NsCDE (& others), just haven't tried one of them, yet, only your spin. If I have some spare time I will try NsCDE combo, thanks:-)
Also, sorry my scripts, weren't perfect. It's true I should learn more awk and I should use Trilby's example of that script, I have a few more of that kind of script, if I just find the time...
I have opened one new topic for the new myExt version 3.
I need help with a simple script solution not to make it too complex as I currently have in mind. It is for the new extension installer.
The result of the selection of checklist items is in file "Install.txt". Sample...
TRUE 203
TRUE 301
TRUE 602
TRUE 603
The selected extension numbers will be installed by file "ExtraExt.sys". Sample....
# Read $[EXTRA_DIR]/Styles/DiaryThumbnails/diaryThumbPlace.sys #202
# Read $[CORE_DIR]/2-3Styles/MyBorderStyle/myBorderStyle.sys #203
# Read $[EXTRA_DIR]/Menus/MyMenu/mMenu.conf #301
# Read $[EXTRA_DIR]/Bindings/DiaryMouseBinding/diaryMBindings.sys #401
# Read $[EXTRA_DIR]/Bindings/MyKBinding/myKeyBindings.sys #402
# Read $[EXTRA_DIR]/Decors/DiaryDecor/dDecor.sys #501
# Read $[EXTRA_DIR]/Decors/MyDecor/myDec.sys #502
# Read $[EXTRA_DIR]/MODULES/ControlPagerB/controlPg.sys #601
# Read $[EXTRA_DIR]/MODULES/DashToDock/action/west.conf #602
# Read $[EXTRA_DIR]/MODULES/DeskSwitch/deskSwitch.sys #603
All extensions are tagged (#). The script will untag the corresponding line that has the same number as in the file "Install.txt". For example, TRUE 203 will untag the line with #203
# Read $[CORE_DIR]/2-3Styles/MyBorderStyle/myBorderStyle.sys #203
To (without "#" before Read)
Read $[CORE_DIR]/2-3Styles/MyBorderStyle/myBorderStyle.sys #203
Last edited by rasat (2022-03-09 11:44:54)
Got the solution on Stack Overflow … other-file
search=$(awk 'BEGIN{OFS=ORS=""}{if(NR>1){print "|"}print $2;}' Install.txt)
sed -i -r "s/^# (.*#($search))$/\1/g" ExtraExt.sys
This extension installer completes version myExt 3.1, included in the new CD respin.
Finally, the Fvwm extensions are ready. Work like a user-oriented model to use, modify and create your own. It is a One-time install and then upgrade with Extension Installer. This graphic installer makes it user-friendly for those who prefer a quick setup of their choice. The update is handled through the GitHub repository, thanks to qinohe's idea:
How does it work? Make a test run.
There is one new Arch Linux Fvwm-myExt respin ISO (3.1.4) in the SourceForge site that has been recognized with a Rising Star award by SourceForge. … tribution/
user: demo
pass: demo
How does it look, click the below screenshot.
Last edited by rasat (2022-03-30 11:16:25)
Here is the Arch Linux Xfce-Fvwm Extension respin ISO . This has become my day-to-day WM. As I mentioned in the "Screenshot Thread", Xfce is an excellent application manager, and Fvwm is the best window/virtual manager. Combining these two becomes a perfect WM. Super light with unlimited functionalities.
Download (ArchLinux-Xfce-Fvwm-EXT-v1.0.5-x86_64.iso): … nload-iso/
Here are the details of the features and extensions shown on the screenshot: … 3#p2034043
Last edited by rasat (2022-05-02 16:50:10)