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I recently changed my modem and since then my arch in order to connect to wifi requires disabling ipv6 otherwise it keeps on connecting and disconnecting loop. Disabling ipv6 in a GUI is easy but how can I do it from the boot iso install media? I wont be able to install arch if I can't disable ipv6. help?
Last edited by malta (2021-12-01 23:05:31)
Add ipv6.disable=1 as a kernel command line parameter from the bootloader screen.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Thanks it worked. Now do you know why arch can't handle ipv6?
Have you configured /etc/hosts? See hosts(5) for details.
My ISP doesn't have IPv6 at the moment so I can't test myself but I would recommend working through the ArchWiki page on the subject.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî