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Apologies if this is in the wrong place - the software that's crashing - bitwig studio - is multimedia, so I thought this might be the place. Apologies again if I'm wrong.
Every time I run bitwig, it gives me the opportunity to run in demo mode - which I duly do. I then get the main UI, but it's frozen and unresponsive. Shortly afterwards I get a segfault. I've tried using coredumpctl to inspect the dumped core and try and figure out why it's segfaulting, but it doesn't make much sense to me. The app does run perfectly well as root, but, obviously, that's not ideal.
Here is the output of "coredumpctl info 2403 - which, obviously is the relevant pid.
Any tips on what to investigate next would be much appreciated. If I need to post any other data - please let me know.
It crashes inside, a library provided by bitwig.
Specifically in
#1 0x00007fbdf8dfb604 _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE9_M_mutateEmmPKcm ( + 0x14c604)
What looks like a call to
The more interesting part is
The app does run perfectly well as root, but, obviously, that's not ideal.
because that points to some access rights issues.
strace -f bitwig 2>&1 | grep -iE '(eperm|eaccess)' # speculative executable name "bitwig"
might therefore be informative
because that points to some access rights issues.
That was my thought as well and I had tried some various strace stuff, but didn't really know what I was doing and got nowhere.
strace -f bitwig 2>&1 | grep -iE '(eperm|eaccess)' # speculative executable name "bitwig"
might therefore be informative
returns nothing. FWIW the executable is bitwig-studio and I did substitute that in the above command!
I did try
strace -e trace=access bitwig-studio
with the result:
access("/etc/", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
About to start the following process: /usr/opt/bitwig-studio/bin/show-splash-gtk /usr/opt/bitwig-studio/resources/splash-bitwig-studio.png
About to start the following process: /usr/opt/bitwig-studio/bin/BitwigStudio -cp /usr/opt/bitwig-studio/bin/bitwig.jar:/usr/opt/bitwig-studio/lib/cp:/usr/opt/bitwig-studio/bin/libs.jar:/usr/opt/bitwig-studio/bin/lwjgl.jar -Dorg.sqlite.lib.path=/usr/opt/bitwig-studio/lib/bitwig-studio -XX:+UseZGC -Xms300m -XX:SoftMaxHeapSize=2048m -Xmx3072m -DinstallationRoot=/usr/opt/bitwig-studio -DsplashPid=9115 -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:ErrorFile=/home/paul/.BitwigStudio/bitwig-studio-jvm-crash.log
Using log directory /home/paul/.BitwigStudio/log
[2021-12-06 14:33:47.754 float-main-app info] Starting application version 4.1 revision 5fd89017846ef4d1fb18364cc0f3a20ef42815af
[2021-12-06 14:33:47.766 float-main-app info] Using Java version 17.0.1 from Oracle Corporation installed at /usr/opt/bitwig-studio/lib/jre
[2021-12-06 14:33:47.767 float-main-app info] Starting with arguments
[2021-12-06 14:33:50.863 gui-toolkit-core info] Using locale en
[2021-12-06 14:33:51.352 float-main-app info] Loaded preferences from file /home/paul/.BitwigStudio/prefs/4.1.prefs
[2021-12-06 14:33:51.353 float-telemetry info] Starting Telemetry
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
Using overridden package repository location: ""
[2021-12-06 14:33:51.732 base-localization error] Localized text for key "Run in Demo Mode" not found
--- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD, si_code=CLD_KILLED, si_pid=9115, si_uid=1000, si_status=SIGTERM, si_utime=8, si_stime=2} ---
[2021-12-06 14:33:57.474 float-library-master error] Detected invalid bitwig-devices search index file for location /usr/opt/bitwig-studio/Library/devices: This location will be reindexed on startup: Could not memory map file "/home/paul/.BitwigStudio/index/D54AF6B9F07B2B8D42F050E536FA57D6-bitwig-devices.index with mode READ_ONLY
at com.bitwig.base.platform.MemoryMappedFile.<init>(SourceFile:72)
at com.bitwig.base.platform.MemoryMappedFile.<init>(SourceFile:50)
at cMV.<init>(SourceFile:29)
at ZWX.fJG(SourceFile:353)
at kFw.<init>(SourceFile:41)
at DWr.fJG(SourceFile:358)
at qGi.y2R(SourceFile:48)
at DWr.w_(SourceFile:97)
at qGi.fJG(SourceFile:22)
at YNV.IvI(SourceFile:241)
at NEY.ad_(SourceFile:58)
at com.bitwig.ramona.core.SNy.w_(SourceFile:130)
at YNV.w_(SourceFile:103)
at YNV.fJG(SourceFile:57)
at wGj.fireEvent(SourceFile:53)
at ctx.fJG(SourceFile:585)
at ctx.EDY(SourceFile:577)
at ctv.fJG(SourceFile:301)
at Jj.VDX(SourceFile:157)
at wGj.fireEvent(SourceFile:53)
at JI.fJG(SourceFile:50)
at JI.Fmk(SourceFile:42)
at cDB.G3(SourceFile:384)
at cDH.fJG(SourceFile:500)
at cDF.fJG(SourceFile:614)
at ctT.fJG(SourceFile:1110)
at ctT.fJG(SourceFile:173)
at crZ.fJG(SourceFile:136)
at cuq.fJG(SourceFile:1283)
at cuq.fJG(SourceFile:1074)
at cuq.mrR(SourceFile:1029)
at cuq.gDo(SourceFile:983)
at cuq.Bny(SourceFile:711)
[2021-12-06 14:33:59.169 float-document-master info] Starting engine for New 1
[2021-12-06 14:33:59.174 float-gui-widgets info] Connecting audio engine to project New 1
--- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD, si_code=CLD_KILLED, si_pid=9116, si_uid=1000, si_status=SIGSEGV, si_utime=1970, si_stime=213} ---
+++ exited with 139 +++
I think the IOException is a red herring, though - for 2 reasons:
1) On most runs it doesn't happen, which suggests it's not a fundamental problem.
2) It looks to me like the IOException is how it detecting
Detected invalid bitwig-devices search index file for location /usr/opt/bitwig-studio/Library/devices: This location will be reindexed on startup:
. This therefore feels more like a warning to me.
Let me know if I can do anything else to provide helpful data!
"strace -f" follows child processes
I think the IOException is a red herring
stat /home/paul/.BitwigStudio/index/D54AF6B9F07B2B8D42F050E536FA57D6-bitwig-devices.index
stat /usr/opt/bitwig-studio/Library/devices # this here might actually be the crucial access?
$ stat /home/paul/.BitwigStudio/index/D54AF6B9F07B2B8D42F050E536FA57D6-bitwig-devices.index
File: /home/paul/.BitwigStudio/index/D54AF6B9F07B2B8D42F050E536FA57D6-bitwig-devices.index
Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 regular empty file
Device: 0,50 Inode: 6626196 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1000/ paul) Gid: ( 1000/ paul)
Access: 2021-12-06 14:30:44.386470443 +0000
Modify: 2021-12-06 14:30:44.386470443 +0000
Change: 2021-12-06 14:30:44.386470443 +0000
Birth: 2021-12-06 14:30:44.386470443 +0000
$ stat /usr/opt/bitwig-studio/Library/devices
File: /usr/opt/bitwig-studio/Library/devices
Size: 2771 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 directory
Device: 254,0 Inode: 135398 Links: 2
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)
Access: 2021-12-05 20:06:40.000000000 +0000
Modify: 2021-12-05 20:06:40.000000000 +0000
Change: 2021-12-05 20:06:40.000000000 +0000
Birth: -
Output of strace -f -e trace=access bitwig-studio
[pid 10211] --- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_ACCERR, si_addr=0x7fdeead11ff8} ---
[pid 10211] --- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SI_KERNEL, si_addr=NULL} ---
Smells like 32bit trying to access 64bit address space - but that doesn't square w/ the root situation
strace -f -e bitwig-studio 2>&1 | grep -B500 SIGSEGV
No output returned for that command...
Sorry, copy-and-fail…
strace -f bitwig-studio 2>&1 | grep -B500 SIGSEGV
Lots of output to that one!
Last edited by phunni (2021-12-06 19:32:16)
There'S EACCESS for what looks like a "dmidecode" subprocess, causing it to exit w/ errror and later on a failed attempt to run cpuid (which doesn't exist)
No idea whether that's not already the internal error handling and/or whether maybe the failure to handle a different problem is what causes the process to die.
Other than that, it segfaults for illegal memory access while reading that BBC Symphony Orchestra (64 Bit).vst3 - can you reproduce this with other, smaller plugins (or w/o the specific one)?
Interesting about that plugin. I tried removing it completely from my system, but the segfault still happens. In case it's useful I ran strace -f bitwig-studio 2>&1 | grep -B500 SIGSEGV having removed the plugin in question.
Crashes w/ same access error while reading Red 3 Compressor.vst3
Since this is a permission thing and going w/ the dmidecode call - what if you suid dmidecode? ("sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/dmidecode")
OK - here's the latest strace output after making that change: here
BTW - thanks for your help with this - I really appreciate it. I'm very keen to try this software out, but debugging cores was way over my head. Thanks again.
Did you try w/o strace first?
For the strace
sudo touch /etc/suid-debug # remove that file after debugging,
Yes - I tried it w/o the strace first and, although it was probably unecessary, I also tried it as root w/o strace just tobe sure that was still working.
Here is the ouput from the strace with /etc/suid-debug in place.
Regarding the plugins, I've had all of them working in other applications. The ones it's complaining about are also all launched through wine. I doubt the specific plugin is relevant, though, since it seems to get upset about whichever plugin it loads last...
Last edited by phunni (2021-12-08 18:08:35)
Assuming that's not relevant and since google suggested that bitwig is realtime sensitive and the limits don't apply to the root… … management
I'm pretty sure I've got all that set up properly. I'm going to see if I can install bitwig some other way - perhaps by doing some magic with the .deb file. I'm not especially hopeful, but it might confirm that the issue isn't just with the aur package.
The idea was to remove all limits and see whether bitwig then behaves - the sig_accerr is too detached from the dmidecode call failure to realistically be related.
Also bitwig seems to print errors to the calling shell and a failing subprocess is easy to catch.
And beyond that, there're no obvious access errors - the only other thing I could think of is that it's not the root that is different, but your user. Have you tried running bitwig on a fresh user account?
Maybe post a complete strace (there're so many subprocesses and -threads that 500 lines end up being not all that much relevant context) with timestamps
strace -tt -f -o bitwig.strace bitwig
Ah - sorry:I misunderstood.
Here's the output of that strace in the meantime.
Now - whenever I launch bitwig I'm getting logged out. Which, I assume, means xorg is crashing and restarting. Shortly after logging back in I get a complete system crash. All in all I'm thinking this is actually a hardware issue.
Just need to figure out which component is failing...
From the stuff we have: RAM. … ing_memory
That was my initial thought, but I've now twice run memtest86+ with no errors. Will keep playing around though.
Do you have a stacktrace of the Xorg crash (usually at the tail of the old xorg log)
Interestingly, I just noticed that the latest xorg log I have is from Jan 7 - so I need to figure out why it's not been logging first!
Edit: nvm - was looking in the wrong place!
Last edited by phunni (2021-12-15 14:22:57)