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Pages: 1
Well, two things.
First, what is the name of the most common sshd package? I forgot what it was.
Second, Whats the name of the package that lets me use ssh <host> [-P <port>] ?
To obtain peace and quiet, get a Phoneless Cord.
Its openssh
you can seach package description by pacman -Ss <keyword>
Install openssh.
I have it installed and configured. Where do I go to get it running on boot, and how do I start it manually?
To obtain peace and quiet, get a Phoneless Cord.
I have it installed and configured. Where do I go to get it running on boot, and how do I start it manually?
edit your /etc/rc.conf and add sshd to the daemons
I have it installed and configured. Where do I go to get it running on boot, and how do I start it manually?
/etc/rc.d/sshd start
Edit, nevermind. Got it working.
Thanks everyone.
To obtain peace and quiet, get a Phoneless Cord.
I don't want to be a nitpick but that was another nice example of forum-noise: a question that could have been easily answered by the OP himself if he/she just read the manual or the wiki. Damn help-vampires!
Todays mistakes are tomorrows catastrophes.
Actually, I searched the wiki for some pacman information, came up with nothing useful in English, don't remember if I searched the forums.
Right now my thoughts on the archwiki is i'd have better luck looking up information on another distro's wiki, or a rookie arch information site (if one exists let me know )
To obtain peace and quiet, get a Phoneless Cord.
Actually, I searched the wiki for some pacman information, came up with nothing useful in English, don't remember if I searched the forums.
Right now my thoughts on the archwiki is i'd have better luck looking up information on another distro's wiki, or a rookie arch information site (if one exists let me know
Well, I just searched the wiki...
"ssh" returns nothing because of mediwiki's stupid limit of not searching for 3 character terms.
"sshd" returns this as the first result, however:
Pages: 1