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#1 2022-01-01 20:48:56

Registered: 2022-01-01
Posts: 2

[SOLVED]arch linux doesn't see my m.2

So i just plugged in my usb stick with the iso, entered zsh and tried to begin the installation, i have a hdd and a nvme m.2, when i run lsbdk my m2 does not display on the screen, my m2 is not raided or fake raided, it shows on the bios just fine(conected in pcie 1.0), and after running "dmesg | grep - i 'error\|warn\|exception' " this is the output:
0.3679101 pcleport 0000:00:1b.0: DPC: error containment capabilities: Int Msg 80, RPExt+ Poisoned TLP+ Sufrigger+ RP PIO Log 4, DL ActiveErr+
[ 0.3682301 poleport 0000:00:1c.3: DPC: error containment capabilities: Int Msg 80, RPExt+ Poisoned TLP Sutrigger+ RP PIO Log 4, DL ActiveErr+

[ 3.7570891 RAS: Correctable Errors collector initialized.

Last edited by Elkelly (2022-01-01 22:48:54)


#2 2022-01-01 21:13:05

Registered: 2012-05-17
Posts: 5,280

Re: [SOLVED]arch linux doesn't see my m.2

Elkelly wrote:

my m2 is not raided or fake raided

Just to make sure, your BIOS is configured for AHCI and not "Intel Rapid Storage Technology"? That is the new name for that fakeraid and does not work with linux and nvme.

Last edited by progandy (2022-01-01 21:13:24)

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#3 2022-01-01 21:28:31

Registered: 2022-01-01
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED]arch linux doesn't see my m.2

progandy wrote:
Elkelly wrote:

my m2 is not raided or fake raided

Just to make sure, your BIOS is configured for AHCI and not "Intel Rapid Storage Technology"? That is the new name for that fakeraid and does not work with linux and nvme.

i just, checked, for some reason when i recently updated the bios that option changed :b, anyways, i really thank you for the help, aprecciate it. silly mistake tbh


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