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#1 2022-01-05 14:31:14

Registered: 2018-09-13
Posts: 5

[SOLVED] hplip: no duplex from command line or firefox

My printer is a new HP LaserJet Pro MFP M227fdn, installed with hplip / hp-setup. I also use cups, where I have made duplex printing the default.

Problem: Duplex printing does not work when attempted from the command line or from Firefox. What happens when trying to print a 2-page pdf two-sided is that the first page of the file is printed on the front of page 1, the page is pulled back in by the duplex mechanism, then it comes out again with an empty back; then page 2 of the file is printed on the front of page 2, the page is pulled back in by the duplex mechanism, and comes out. 

Curiously and encouragingly, duplex printing the same file from within Libreoffice works!

Here are, for comparison, the relevant parts in /var/log/cups/error_log. First, from the command line, with
pdftk a.pdf cat 1 2 output - | lp -o sides=two-sided-long-edge, which does not yield duplex printing.

D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] HP PS filter starting : HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] hppsfilter: argv[0] = HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] hppsfilter: argv[1] = 563
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] hppsfilter: argv[2] = m
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] hppsfilter: argv[3] = (stdin)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] hppsfilter: argv[4] = 1
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] hppsfilter: argv[5] = finishings=3 MediaType=Plain number-up=1 sides=two-sided-long-edge job-uuid=urn:uuid:e56b2678-591c-35c0-666c-cdf593914b71 job-originating-host-name=localhost date-time-at-creation= date-time-at-processing= time-at-creation=1641389135 time-at-processing=1641389135 Duplex=DuplexNoTumble
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] HP PS filter func = WriteHeader           : WRITING PJL HEADER INFO
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] HP PS filter func = GetPPDValues : PPD NAME /etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231.ppd
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] HP PS filter func = WriteJobAccounting    : WRITING JOB ACCOUNTING INFO
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] HP PS filter func = WriteBornOnDate       : WRITING BORN-ON-DATE
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] HP PS filter func = WriteECONOMODE        : WRITNING ECONOMODE
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] attr->value =  ProRes1200
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] HP PS filter func = WriteHPPJLPRINTQUALITY: WRITING PRINT QUALITY INFO
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] pdftops - copying to temp print file \"/var/spool/cups/tmp/0ab8261e48863\"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] pdftopdf: Last filter determined by the PPD: hpps; FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE: application/vnd.cups-postscript => pdftopdf will log pages in page_log.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] STATE: +connecting-to-device
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] PDF interactive form and annotation flattening done via QPDF
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] PAGE: 1 1
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] PAGE: 2 1
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] PID 43905 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] Printer make and model: HP LaserJet MFP M227-M231
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] Running command line for pstops: pstops 563 m (stdin) 1 \'finishings=3 MediaType=Plain sides=two-sided-long-edge job-uuid=urn:uuid:e56b2678-591c-35c0-666c-cdf593914b71 job-originating-host-name=localhost date-time-at-creation= date-time-at-processing= time-at-creation=1641389135 time-at-processing=1641389135 Duplex=DuplexNoTumble\'
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] Using image rendering resolution 600 dpi
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] Running command line for gs: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sstdout=%stderr -sDEVICE=ps2write -dShowAcroForm -sOUTPUTFILE=%stdout -sProcessColorModel=DeviceGray -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dLanguageLevel=3 -r600 -dCompressFonts=false -dNoT3CCITT -dNOINTERPOLATE -c \'save pop\' -f /var/spool/cups/tmp/0ab8261e48863
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] Started filter gs (PID 43909)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:35 +0100] [Job 563] Started filter pstops (PID 43910)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] Page = 595x842; 12,12 to 583,830
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] %!PS-Adobe-3.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] %%Invocation: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sstdout=? -sDEVICE=ps2write -dShowAcroForm -sOUTPUTFILE=? -sProcessColorModel=DeviceGray -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dLanguageLevel=3 -r600 -dCompressFonts=false -dNoT3CCITT -dNOINTERPOLATE ?
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] %%+ ? -f ?
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] %%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 612.00 792.00
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] %%Creator: GPL Ghostscript 9550 (ps2write)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] %%LanguageLevel: 2
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] %%CreationDate: D:20220105142536+01\'00\'
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] %%Pages: 2
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] %%EndComments
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] STATE: -connecting-to-device
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] STATE: -media-empty-error,media-jam-error,hplip.plugin-error,cover-open-error,toner-empty-error,other
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] PID 43909 (gs) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] Before copy_setup - %%Page: 1 1
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] Before page loop - %%Page: 1 1
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] Copying page 1...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] pagew = 571.0, pagel = 818.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] PageLeft = 12.0, PageRight = 583.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] Copying page 2...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] pagew = 571.0, pagel = 818.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] PageLeft = 12.0, PageRight = 583.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] Wrote 2 pages...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] PID 43910 (pstops) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] PID 43906 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] HP PS filter ENDS
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:36 +0100] [Job 563] PID 43907 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/hpps) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:44 +0100] [Job 563] ready to print
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:44 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:44 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:44 +0100] [Job 563] Set job-printer-state-message to "ready to print", current level=INFO
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:44 +0100] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:44 +0100] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:44 +0100] [Job 563] PID 43908 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:44 +0100] [Job 563] time-at-completed=1641389144
D [05/Jan/2022:14:25:44 +0100] Discarding unused job-completed event...
I [05/Jan/2022:14:25:44 +0100] [Job 563] Job completed.

And now I opened the same file a.pdf with Libreoffice, there set printer settings to Duplex Long-Edge Binding, and printed the first two pages from the print menu -- with the correct result:

D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] HP PS filter starting : HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] hppsfilter: argv[0] = HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] hppsfilter: argv[1] = 564
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] hppsfilter: argv[2] = m
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] hppsfilter: argv[3] = a.pdf
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] hppsfilter: argv[4] = 1
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] hppsfilter: argv[5] = Duplex=DuplexNoTumble InputSlot=Auto MediaType=Plain PageSize=A4 job-uuid=urn:uuid:c8d9b759-7264-3c01-591a-6c5d6f66a6d8 job-originating-host-name=localhost date-time-at-creation= date-time-at-processing= time-at-creation=1641389323 time-at-processing=1641389323 document-name-supplied=j3AHvV
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] HP PS filter func = WriteHeader           : WRITING PJL HEADER INFO
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] HP PS filter func = GetPPDValues : PPD NAME /etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231.ppd
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] HP PS filter func = WriteJobAccounting    : WRITING JOB ACCOUNTING INFO
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] HP PS filter func = WriteBornOnDate       : WRITING BORN-ON-DATE
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] HP PS filter func = WriteECONOMODE        : WRITNING ECONOMODE
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] pdftops - copying to temp print file \"/var/spool/cups/tmp/0ad5761e2829d\"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] STATE: +connecting-to-device
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] attr->value =  ProRes1200
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] HP PS filter func = WriteHPPJLPRINTQUALITY: WRITING PRINT QUALITY INFO
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] pdftopdf: Last filter determined by the PPD: hpps; FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE: application/vnd.cups-postscript => pdftopdf will log pages in page_log.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] PDF interactive form and annotation flattening done via QPDF
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] PAGE: 1 1
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] PAGE: 2 1
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] PID 44374 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] Printer make and model: HP LaserJet MFP M227-M231
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] Running command line for pstops: pstops 564 m a.pdf 1 \'Duplex=DuplexNoTumble InputSlot=Auto MediaType=Plain PageSize=A4 job-uuid=urn:uuid:c8d9b759-7264-3c01-591a-6c5d6f66a6d8 job-originating-host-name=localhost date-time-at-creation= date-time-at-processing= time-at-creation=1641389323 time-at-processing=1641389323 document-name-supplied=j3AHvV\'
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] Using image rendering resolution 600 dpi
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] Running command line for gs: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sstdout=%stderr -sDEVICE=ps2write -dShowAcroForm -sOUTPUTFILE=%stdout -sProcessColorModel=DeviceGray -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dLanguageLevel=3 -r600 -dCompressFonts=false -dNoT3CCITT -dNOINTERPOLATE -c \'save pop\' -f /var/spool/cups/tmp/0ad5761e2829d
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] Started filter gs (PID 44378)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] Started filter pstops (PID 44379)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] Page = 595x842; 12,12 to 583,830
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] %!PS-Adobe-3.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] %%Invocation: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sstdout=? -sDEVICE=ps2write -dShowAcroForm -sOUTPUTFILE=? -sProcessColorModel=DeviceGray -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dLanguageLevel=3 -r600 -dCompressFonts=false -dNoT3CCITT -dNOINTERPOLATE ?
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] %%+ ? -f ?
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] %%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] %%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 595.00 842.00
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] %%Creator: GPL Ghostscript 9550 (ps2write)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] %%LanguageLevel: 2
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] %%CreationDate: D:20220105142843+01\'00\'
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] %%Pages: 2
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] %%EndComments
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:43 +0100] [Job 564] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] STATE: -connecting-to-device
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] STATE: -media-empty-error,media-jam-error,hplip.plugin-error,cover-open-error,toner-empty-error,other
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] Before copy_setup - %%Page: 1 1
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] Before page loop - %%Page: 1 1
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] Copying page 1...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] pagew = 571.0, pagel = 818.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] PageLeft = 12.0, PageRight = 583.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] Copying page 2...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] pagew = 571.0, pagel = 818.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] PageLeft = 12.0, PageRight = 583.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] PID 44378 (gs) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] Wrote 2 pages...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] PID 44379 (pstops) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] PID 44375 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] HP PS filter ENDS
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:46 +0100] [Job 564] PID 44376 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/hpps) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:54 +0100] [Job 564] ready to print
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:54 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:54 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:54 +0100] [Job 564] Set job-printer-state-message to "ready to print", current level=INFO
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:54 +0100] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:54 +0100] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:54 +0100] [Job 564] PID 44377 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp) exited with no errors.
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:54 +0100] [Job 564] time-at-completed=1641389334
D [05/Jan/2022:14:28:54 +0100] Discarding unused job-completed event...
I [05/Jan/2022:14:28:54 +0100] [Job 564] Job completed.

Here is the output of hp-check:

hp-check[46406]: info: :---------------
hp-check[46406]: info: neutral SYSTEM INFO |
hp-check[46406]: info: :---------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: : Kernel: 5.15.12-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed, 29 Dec 2021 12:04:56 +0000 GNU/Linux
Host: bobby
Proc: 5.15.12-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed, 29 Dec 2021 12:04:56 +0000 GNU/Linux
Distribution: 0
hp-check[46406]: info: : Bitness: 64 bit

hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :-----------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: neutral HPLIP CONFIGURATION |
hp-check[46406]: info: :-----------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :HPLIP-Version: HPLIP 3.21.12
hp-check[46406]: info: :HPLIP-Home: /usr/share/hplip
warning: HPLIP-Installation: Auto installation is not supported for 0 distro   version
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :Current contents of '/etc/hp/hplip.conf' file:
hp-check[46406]: info: :# hplip.conf.  Generated from by configure.


# Following values are determined at configure time and cannot be changed.

hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :Current contents of '/var/lib/hp/hplip.state' file:
hp-check[46406]: info: :[plugin]
installed = 1
eula = 1
version = 3.21.12

hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :Current contents of '~/.hplip/hplip.conf' file:
hp-check[46406]: info: :[commands]
scan = /usr/bin/xsane -V %SANE_URI%

email_address =
voice_phone =

date_time = 01/05/22 14:46:26
version = 3.21.12

device_uri = "hp:/net/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231?ip="
printer_name = HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231
working_dir = .

device_list =
enable = false
interval = 5

enable = false
rate = 30
type = 1

systray_messages = 0
systray_visible = 0

last_upgraded_time = 1641314793
notify_upgrade = false
pending_upgrade_time = 0

hp-check[46406]: info: : <Package-name>        <Package-Desc>      <Required/Optional> <Min-Version> <Installed-Version> <Status>   <Comment>
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :-------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: neutral External Dependencies |
hp-check[46406]: info: :-------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: : cups                 CUPS - Common Unix Printing System                           REQUIRED        1.1             2.4.0           OK         'CUPS Scheduler is running'
hp-check[46406]: info: : gs                   GhostScript - PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer REQUIRED        7.05            9.55.0          OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : xsane                xsane - Graphical scanner frontend for SANE                  OPTIONAL        0.9             0.999           OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : scanimage            scanimage - Shell scanning program                           OPTIONAL        1.0             1.0.32          OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : dbus                 DBus - Message bus system                                    REQUIRED        -               1.12.20         OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : policykit            PolicyKit - Administrative policy framework                  OPTIONAL        -               0.120           OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : network              network -wget                                                OPTIONAL        -               1.21.2          OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : avahi-utils          avahi-utils                                                  OPTIONAL        -               0.8             OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: neutral General Dependencies |
hp-check[46406]: info: :------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: : libjpeg              libjpeg - JPEG library                                       REQUIRED        -               -               OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : cups-devel           CUPS devel- Common Unix Printing System development files    REQUIRED        -               2.4.0           OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : cups-image           CUPS image - CUPS image development files                    REQUIRED        -               2.4.0           OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : libpthread           libpthread - POSIX threads library                           REQUIRED        -               b'2.33'         OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : libusb               libusb - USB library                                         REQUIRED        -               1.0             OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : sane                 SANE - Scanning library                                      REQUIRED        -               1.0.32          OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : sane-devel           SANE - Scanning library development files                    REQUIRED        -               1.0.32          OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : libavahi-dev         libavahi-dev                                                 REQUIRED        -               -               OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : libnetsnmp-devel     libnetsnmp-devel - SNMP networking library development files REQUIRED        5.0.9           5.9.1           OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : libcrypto            libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptographic library                    REQUIRED        -               1.1.1           OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : python3X             Python 2.2 or greater - Python programming language          REQUIRED        2.2             3.10.1          OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : python3-notify2      Python libnotify - Python bindings for the libnotify Desktop notifications OPTIONAL        -               -               OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : python3-pyqt4-dbus   PyQt 4 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt4                         OPTIONAL        4.0             4.12.3          OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : python3-pyqt4        PyQt 4- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x)         REQUIRED        4.0             4.12.3          OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : python3-dbus         Python DBus - Python bindings for DBus                       REQUIRED        0.80.0          1.2.18          OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : python3-xml          Python XML libraries                                         REQUIRED        -               2.4.2           OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : python3-devel        Python devel - Python development files                      REQUIRED        2.2             3.10.1          OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : python3-pil          PIL - Python Imaging Library (required for commandline scanning with hp-scan) OPTIONAL        -               8.4.0           OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : python3-reportlab    Reportlab - PDF library for Python                           OPTIONAL        2.0             3.6.5           OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :--------------
hp-check[46406]: info: neutral COMPILEDEP |
hp-check[46406]: info: :--------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: : libtool              libtool - Library building support services                  REQUIRED        -               2.4.6           OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : gcc                  gcc - GNU Project C and C++ Compiler                         REQUIRED        -               11.1.0          OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : make                 make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs       REQUIRED        3.0             4.3             OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :---------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: neutral Python Extentions |
hp-check[46406]: info: :---------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: : cupsext              CUPS-Extension                                               REQUIRED        -               3.21.12         OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: : hpmudext             IO-Extension                                                 REQUIRED        -               3.21.12         OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: neutral Scan Configuration |
hp-check[46406]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: : hpaio                HPLIP-SANE-Backend                                           REQUIRED        -               3.21.12         OK         'hpaio found in /etc/sane.d/dll.conf'
hp-check[46406]: info: : scanext              Scan-SANE-Extension                                          REQUIRED        -               3.21.12         OK         -
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :------------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: neutral DISCOVERED SCANNER DEVICES |
hp-check[46406]: info: :------------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :device `brother4:net1;dev0' is a Brother MFC-1910W MFC-1910W
device `hpaio:/net/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231?ip=' is a Hewlett-Packard HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231 all-in-one
device `airscan:e0:HP LaserJet MFP M227fdn (7F7A79)' is a eSCL HP LaserJet MFP M227fdn (7F7A79) ip=
device `brother4:net1;dev0' is a Brother MFC-1910W MFC-1910W
device `hpaio:/net/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231?ip=' is a Hewlett-Packard HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231 all-in-one
device `airscan:e0:HP LaserJet MFP M227fdn (7F7A79)' is a eSCL HP LaserJet MFP M227fdn (7F7A79) ip=

hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :--------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: neutral DISCOVERED USB DEVICES |
hp-check[46406]: info: :--------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :No devices found.
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :---------------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: neutral INSTALLED CUPS PRINTER QUEUES |
hp-check[46406]: info: :---------------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231
hp-check[46406]: info: :-------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :Type: Printer
hp-check[46406]: info: :Device URI: hp:/net/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231?ip=
hp-check[46406]: info: :PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231.ppd
hp-check[46406]: info: :PPD Description: HP LaserJet Pro MFP M227-M231 Postscript (recommended)
hp-check[46406]: info: :Printer status: printer HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231 is idle.  enabled since Wed 05 Jan 2022 02:36:59 PM CET
hp-check[46406]: info: :Communication status: Good
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231_fax
hp-check[46406]: info: :-----------------------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :Type: Fax
hp-check[46406]: info: :Device URI: hpfax:/net/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231?ip=
hp-check[46406]: info: :PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231_fax.ppd
hp-check[46406]: info: :PPD Description: HP Fax2 hpcups
hp-check[46406]: info: :Printer status: printer HP_LaserJet_MFP_M227-M231_fax is idle.  enabled since Wed 05 Jan 2022 09:08:57 AM CET
hp-check[46406]: info: :Communication status: Good
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :--------------
hp-check[46406]: info: neutral PERMISSION |
hp-check[46406]: info: :--------------
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :No errors or warnings.
hp-check[46406]: info: :
hp-check[46406]: info: :Done.

Last edited by mvatten (2022-01-09 11:06:20)


#2 2022-01-09 11:04:40

Registered: 2018-09-13
Posts: 5

Re: [SOLVED] hplip: no duplex from command line or firefox

In the meantime, I realised that I had tacitly been assuming that the print filter(s) would, by default, do either a fit-to-page or crop-to-fit where needed, but they do not.


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