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I have a courious problem that my bootloader not found vmlinuz of mainline or lts kernel
I can arch-chroot /mnt and in the /boot folder is vmlinuz-linux and vmlinuz-linux-lts but the bootloader can't find it.
What I'm doing wrong?
blkid | nc 9999
I do
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p2 cryptroot
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md127 cryptdata
mount /dev/vg_data/root /mnt
mount /dev/vg_data/home /mnt/home
mount /dev/vg_data/data /mnt/home/data
mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot
swapon /dev/vg_data/swap
arch-chroot /mnt
pacman -Sy linux linux-lts
cat /mnt/etc/fstab | nc 9999
Have I to update /etc/fstab or what I'm doing wrong?
Last edited by Morta (2022-01-15 12:52:29)
ls -la /boot
Also post `efibootmgr -v`
Also post `efibootmgr -v`
efibootmgr -v | nc 9999
I found out that intel-ucode.img was missing. It's the possible error?
Last edited by Morta (2022-01-13 06:06:41)
Looks good the output of efibootmgr -v?
BootOrder: 0005,0003,0002,0006,0000,0001
Boot0005* Linux Boot Manager HD(1,GPT,eabd71f7-37b7-4e3f-996d-317a87866732,0x800,0x200000)/File(\EFI\systemd\systemd-bootx64.efi)
Normally systemd-bootx64.efi should be at esp/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi , I wonder where your efi system partion is located .
output of lsblk -f ?
Edit : pvscan , vgscan and lvscan output may be more useful on a lvm-based system, please add those also
Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2022-01-14 13:37:23)
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
pvscan | nc 9999
vgscan | nc 9999
lvscan | nc 9999
├─nvme0n1p1 vfat FAT32 C7CE-3B79 862.8M 16% /boot
That's the most likely candidate for your esp , but let's doublecheck .
# fdisk /dev/nvme0n1 --list
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
fdsik /dev/nvme0n1p1 --list | nc 9999
I need the partiton table for the whole drive, so please use nvme0n1 NOT nvme0n1p1 .
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
Sorry my fault!
fdsik /dev/nvme0n1 --list | nc 9999
I asked again it's possible error of executing vmlinuz-linux(-lts) the missing intel-ucode.img ?
I asked again it's possible error of executing vmlinuz-linux(-lts) the missing intel-ucode.img ?
Doubt it, but it's easy to test : remove or comment that line from the config .
nmve0n1p1 is your efi system partition aka esp and you have it mounted at /boot .
It looks like something went wrong with the install/configuration of systemd-boot and it thinks your esp is at /EFI .
I suggest you redo the bootctl install while everything is mounted correctly and add --esp-path=/boot to ensure systemd-boot uses the correct path.
Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2022-01-14 14:22:40)
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
I asked again it's possible error of executing vmlinuz-linux(-lts) the missing intel-ucode.img ?
Doubt it, but it's easy to test : remove or comment that line from the config .
nmve0n1p1 is your efi system partition aka esp and you have it mounted at /boot .
It looks like something went wrong with the install/configuration of systemd-boot and it thinks your esp is at /EFI .
I suggest you redo the bootctl install while everything is mounted correctly and add --esp-path=/boot to ensure systemd-boot uses the correct path.
Thanks man!
I will do it in the evening..
bootctl install --path=/boot --path-esp=/boot
copied to /boot/EFI/systemd/sy...efi
... /boot/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI
It's right? Or how I can look where esp is?
Last edited by Morta (2022-01-14 16:25:57)
Yes, that's correct with esp = /boot .
You should also have /boot/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi .
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
Now it's boot and ask me for the Password of /dev/md127(cryptdata) but not found /dev/vg_data/root or not asking password for /dev/nvme0n1p2 (cryptroot) it's goes directly in the emergency shell.
What is wrong with my arch.conf
title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /intel-ucode.img
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options cryptdevice=UUID=9bd19949-c5c9-4a31-98b5-b9c125e9bc06:cryptroot root=/dev/vg_data/root resume=/dev/vg_data/swap quiet rw
options cryptdevice=UUID=a2b6673b-7b92-4c3d-bf61-273d97b41cf7:cryptdata quiet rw
loop0 squashfs 4.0
sda linux_raid_member 1.2 nas:0 75117aa8-bf69-dbb0-321e-86137195ddd4
└─md127 crypto_LUKS 2 a2b6673b-7b92-4c3d-bf61-273d97b41cf7
└─cryptdata LVM2_member LVM2 001 OMpZPD-tebV-QgZl-QRZE-dQdf-9QLU-u57EfG
└─vg_data-data ext4 1.0 977b1181-4f6e-4e12-aea5-516452eaf144 11.4T 32% /home/data
sdb linux_raid_member 1.2 nas:0 75117aa8-bf69-dbb0-321e-86137195ddd4
└─md127 crypto_LUKS 2 a2b6673b-7b92-4c3d-bf61-273d97b41cf7
└─cryptdata LVM2_member LVM2 001 OMpZPD-tebV-QgZl-QRZE-dQdf-9QLU-u57EfG
└─vg_data-data ext4 1.0 977b1181-4f6e-4e12-aea5-516452eaf144 11.4T 32% /home/data
sdc linux_raid_member 1.2 nas:0 75117aa8-bf69-dbb0-321e-86137195ddd4
└─md127 crypto_LUKS 2 a2b6673b-7b92-4c3d-bf61-273d97b41cf7
└─cryptdata LVM2_member LVM2 001 OMpZPD-tebV-QgZl-QRZE-dQdf-9QLU-u57EfG
└─vg_data-data ext4 1.0 977b1181-4f6e-4e12-aea5-516452eaf144 11.4T 32% /home/data
sdd linux_raid_member 1.2 nas:0 75117aa8-bf69-dbb0-321e-86137195ddd4
sde linux_raid_member 1.2 nas:0 75117aa8-bf69-dbb0-321e-86137195ddd4
└─md127 crypto_LUKS 2 a2b6673b-7b92-4c3d-bf61-273d97b41cf7
└─cryptdata LVM2_member LVM2 001 OMpZPD-tebV-QgZl-QRZE-dQdf-9QLU-u57EfG
└─vg_data-data ext4 1.0 977b1181-4f6e-4e12-aea5-516452eaf144 11.4T 32% /home/data
sdf linux_raid_member 1.2 nas:0 75117aa8-bf69-dbb0-321e-86137195ddd4
└─md127 crypto_LUKS 2 a2b6673b-7b92-4c3d-bf61-273d97b41cf7
└─cryptdata LVM2_member LVM2 001 OMpZPD-tebV-QgZl-QRZE-dQdf-9QLU-u57EfG
└─vg_data-data ext4 1.0 977b1181-4f6e-4e12-aea5-516452eaf144 11.4T 32% /home/data
sdg iso9660 Joliet Extension ARCH_202201 2022-01-01-10-11-06-00
├─sdg1 iso9660 Joliet Extension ARCH_202201 2022-01-01-10-11-06-00
└─sdg2 vfat FAT16 ARCHISO_EFI 91D9-6C88
├─nvme0n1p1 vfat FAT32 C7CE-3B79 862.8M 16% /boot
└─nvme0n1p2 crypto_LUKS 2 9bd19949-c5c9-4a31-98b5-b9c125e9bc06
└─cryptroot LVM2_member LVM2 001 r4gNRW-ZtCn-v1y0-kBMM-IRDA-XSaU-9IeioR
├─vg_data-swap swap 1 b3f0ca47-48e2-4096-83d8-e414dc8c489a [SWAP]
├─vg_data-root ext4 1.0 40744119-c6a4-4668-a13c-0bb29cf23bef 89.6G 3% /
└─vg_data-home ext4 1.0 5e06c66b-a98f-4cc3-815c-a406473472bf 317.3G 0% /home
How I can do that first decrypt cryptroot and then cryptdata? Can anyone help?
Last edited by Morta (2022-01-15 10:40:15)
Ok I comment out the options of cryptdata line yet ask me for nvme0n1p2 password but can't find /dev/vg_data/root... Why?
Should I do in mkinitcpio.conf mdadm_udev before udev?
EDIT: I believe that lvm data is stored on /dev/md127 and the bootloader can't read it. How I can change that?
Last edited by Morta (2022-01-15 11:17:00)
there are several ways to setup encrypted raid volumes on linux, how to deal with it is directly linked to how you configured it.
I'm not great with encrypted setups, but the commands from first post and the *scan output in post #9 indicate
- you have 2 lvm PV that are stored on a encrypted SW raid device
Before you can decrypt the raid device, it has to be assembled . … mkinitcpio
Add mdadm_udev lvm2 between block and filesystem .
You also will need to add modules used by lvm and mdadm to the modules= line in mkinitcpio.conf .
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
My HOOKS looks like HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard mdadm_udev encrypt lmv2 filesystem fsck)
My MODULES looks like MODULES=(ext4 dm_crypt) -> lvm, lvm2, mdadm mdadm_udev are not detected as modules. How are the names?
I have a mixed lvm a single nvme and a 6x3TB Raid5 so I have to decrypt first the raid5 with lv (data) and then nvme with lvs (root,swap,home).
When I decrypt first nvme it's don't find the LV of the nvme neither of the raid.
Ok fist.
I have to use systemd instead udev, sd-vconsole instead keymap and sd-encrypt instead of encrypt because the encrypt hook don't support multiple crypt device.
If you whish to encrypt without systemd so you have to duplicate the encrypt hook to encrypt2. There is a manual in the wiki.
also have to place cryptdata BEFORE cryptroot ( not necessary)
and do mkinitcipo -P
So I have to adjust arch.conf in entries to
So I will give a try. Whish me luck!
Last edited by Morta (2022-01-15 13:10:45)
It's working! FUCKING GREAT !!!!