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Apologies if this is the wrong place, but I cannot see anywhere to post something related to the official VM images and aside from that the relevant Gitlab instance seems completely broken. Cannot create a user or retrieve a password for known user.
Issue is I download the repo, run ./ as per the instructions, then attempt to import the generated box.ovf image into VirtualBox. It complains about the following:
Error reading "/home/access/arch-boxes/box.ovf": missing or invalid attribute 'capacity' in 'DiskSection' element, line 8.
Result Code:
IAppliance {86a98347-7619-41aa-aece-b21ac5c1a7e6}
Running images/ provides no output whatsoever, it just doesn't seem to do anything at all.
Not sure what's going on with those images but the instructions aren't very clear, any idea why this is happening?
Last edited by medicineman2500 (2022-01-23 08:51:09)
arch-boxes can't build VirtualBox images. If you need a VirtualBox image and don't want to use Vagrant, I would recommend downloading the latest Vagrant box image for VirtualBox and extract the VirtualBox disk image from it (it is just a tar.gz file). The user/pw is vagrant/vagrant.
Ah ok, they should put that in the README and clarify.
Pages: 1