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Due to an issue I need to have jre 8u312 installed, which isn't the latest version of jre 8
> Forge is broken with Java 8 Update 321 or newer
> You need an older Java 8 version, e.g. 8u312
Is there a straightforward way to do this?
Last edited by beaverusiv (2022-03-09 03:59:37)
$ archlinux-java status
Available Java environments:
java-17-openjdk (default)
$ JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre minecraft-launcher
Or any other appropriate Java version.
Last edited by schard (2022-03-08 07:42:02)
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
If no acceptable Java version is present in the AUR, you can download/extract something from the web to the appropriate folder.
In MultiMC, there should be an options/properties window on each instance where you can specify the version of Java to use, if multiple versions are installed on the system.
I personally use … nj9-0.14.2 for a 1.7.10 pack. YMMV.
Unless you are using minecraft 1.12.2 or earlier, openj9 won't work with forge. Also, adoptopenjdk is now
Depending on the modpack you are using, you may also be able to update forge - version 36.2.26 and newer all work with the latest java 8/11/17. Bear in mind that doing this may break some mods, but if you are using multimc it's easy to test and just as easy to revert.
Thanks @vorvac, I went to … nt=hotspot and grabbed a version and set MultiMC to that version and it loads