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#1 2022-06-03 23:01:25

Registered: 2014-04-16
Posts: 98

[closed] md rootfs with raid0.default_layout=2, can not read or

Long story
I'm not sure if this is the correct subforum.

An established arch system didn't have updates for about 9 months.
I did a pacman -Syu, almost 1400 packages needed an upgrade.
openssl was the only package that didn't play nice, some man pages were already on the fs.
I used --overwrite \* with this openssl package.
Well, this openssl version required glibc>2.34 which wasn't on my system.
In conclusion pacman stopped working, yay stopped working, sudo and so on stopped working.
So while my system was still somewhat usable I downloaded archiso and dd on an usb stick.
Booted from USB copy to memory mode, had to append raid0.default_layout=2 to the boot line, because that's how it is, so I could mount md0.
md0 is my rootfs.
Once mounted and arch-chrooted, I did the pacman -Syu. But first I upgraded glibc to 2.35? should be current today I believe, then did the upgrades.
All good, you might think.
Well, no.

I now can't boot anymore, and I'm writing this on Windows because it's a long story, no smartphone available and the internet through lynx is not a very pleasant experience.

Can not read or write outside of hd0,
or something like that, is the error message.
That probably means grub has no mdraid support or similar.

I had a terrible 12 hour car ride and I'm exhausted. Any help appreciated.

Last edited by dalu (2022-06-04 11:42:25)


#2 2022-06-03 23:33:18

Registered: 2014-04-16
Posts: 98

Re: [closed] md rootfs with raid0.default_layout=2, can not read or

More info:
This error message appears when trying to "linux /boot/linux-vmlinuz params..."

fwiw rootfs is ext4

ins_mod raid1x is there (or a similar line), but something else is going on.

Last edited by dalu (2022-06-03 23:37:46)


#3 2022-06-04 10:27:16

Registered: 2014-04-16
Posts: 98

Re: [closed] md rootfs with raid0.default_layout=2, can not read or

wow, no response at all. ok.

Which mailing list would I even ask?
grub probably, maybe kernel?


#4 2022-06-04 11:47:43

Registered: 2014-04-16
Posts: 98

Re: [closed] md rootfs with raid0.default_layout=2, can not read or

Solved, but not solved.
Lucky Windows 10 leaves 450MB of unallocated space at the end.
I created a 150MB partition there and 8300 and ext4 formatted, copied /boot, edited /etc/fstab
and grub-install /dev/sda /dev/sdb and grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg while chrooted.
It boots, but the problem is only mitigated, not fixed.

I asked the help-grub mailing list for help.

mkfs warned that the 150MB partition on /dev/sdd6 contained a ntfs filesystem.
If that leads to complications with windows later on, we'll see.

For now I'm almost happy I can boot linux and access my home network and work.

So what lesson did I learn? The one that Gentoo taught me and I ignored because of being lazy:
- Have a separate /boot partition on a non-raid layer (drive).
/dev/sda1 contains the /boot/efi partition
I should've created /dev/sdb1 as /boot back in 2015.

Last edited by dalu (2022-06-04 11:50:06)


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