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I know that there are already a lot of topics with similar issues, but I've tried every common solution.
I'm trying to update my system with
pacman -Syu --noconfirm
pikaur -Syu --noconfirm
and having the same result
error: mesa: signature from "Laurent Carlier <>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/mesa-22.1.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n]
error: docker-compose: signature from "Andrew Crerar <>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/docker-compose-2.6.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n]
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
I tried updating archlinux-keyring
sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
refreshing keys
sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
reinitializing keys
sudo rm -R /etc/pacman.d/gnupg
sudo rm -R /root/.gnupg
sudo dirmngr </dev/null
sudo pacman-key --init
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux
sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
and even adding the keys manually from multiple keyservers(found D1CEDDAC and 3ECDBC9F keys in
pacman-key --refresh-keys
sudo pacman-key --recv-keys D1CEDDAC
sudo pacman-key --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys D1CEDDAC
sudo pacman-key --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys D1CEDDAC
sudo pacman-key --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys D1CEDDAC
all of them gave me an error
gpg: keyserver receive failed: No data
==> ERROR: Remote key not fetched correctly from keyserver.
gpg: key 11F916D3D1CEDDAC: no user ID
gpg: Total number processed: 1
==> ERROR: Remote key not fetched correctly from keyserver.
except hkp://
gpg: key 06096A6AD1CEDDAC: 1 duplicate signature removed
gpg: key 06096A6AD1CEDDAC: 1 signature reordered
gpg: key 06096A6AD1CEDDAC: "Laurent Carlier <>" 1 signature cleaned
gpg: key 11F916D3D1CEDDAC: public key "Laurent Carlier <>" imported
gpg: public key DB323392796CA067 is 3037 days newer than the signature
gpg: marginals needed: 3 completes needed: 1 trust model: pgp
gpg: depth: 0 valid: 1 signed: 6 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
gpg: depth: 1 valid: 6 signed: 94 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 6m, 0f, 0u
gpg: depth: 2 valid: 89 signed: 34 trust: 89-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 0u
gpg: next trustdb check due at 2022-07-10
gpg: Total number processed: 2
gpg: imported: 1
gpg: signatures cleaned: 1
Although, I'm not sure if those are the right keys since the latest entry for D1CEDDAC on … m&op=index says that it was revoked.
I also tried using vpn while doing
sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
since I was getting some "network is down" messages and thought that maybe my ISP blocks some connections(which happens sometimes).
So far nothing worked and I keep getting the same error on both my PC and laptop.
Last edited by qweryt (2022-06-07 15:25:31)
The usual way is to do
pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring && pacman -Su
but this starts to look like you have actual file corruption. Delete the files mentioned as being broken and try to redownload them, in doubt change/update your top mirrors to something actively updated.
I tried updating archlinux-keyring
pikaur -Syu --noconfirm
Was that a copy-paste error into the forum, as that's not the proper command for that goal. I suspect updating the archlinux-keyring is what is needed. The proper command would be `pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring`. Please post all output from an attempt to run that command.
Last edited by Trilby (2022-06-07 14:38:29)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Delete the files mentioned as being broken and try to redownload them, in doubt change/update your top mirrors to something actively updated.
That's it. I was using pacoloco(caching proxy for pacman) and for some reason it downloaded corrupted package. I cleared the cache and updated successfully. Thanks a lot.
qweryt wrote:I tried updating archlinux-keyring
pikaur -Syu --noconfirm
Was that a copy-paste error into the forum, as that's not the proper command for that goal. I suspect updating the archlinux-keyring is what is needed. The proper command would be `pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring`. Please post all output from an attempt to run that command.
I have similar issue pacman -Syu won't run.
The command as given gives as follows
Fehler: network_retroshare_Arch_Community_standard: signature from "network OBS Project <>" is unknown trust
Fehler: Keine Datenbank konnte synchronisiert werden (Ungültige oder beschädigte Datenbank (PGP-Signatur))
it translates to
error with trust, pgp signature
What isthe problem? What file is not updated automatically?
Please don't hijack solved threads. Opensuse build bot repositories are unlikely to be official, check and fix your mirrorlist and/or check and remove custom repositories from your pacman.conf
In doubt open a new thread with the output of the