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I was wondering if there is a way to get rid of bold fonts in urxvt, preferably through .Xdefaults? The bold fonts make it hard to read the text. And I really don't see a reason for there to be bold fonts anyways. Thanks for the help.
daedalusman; here is the relevant snippet from my .Xdefaults:
Rxvt*boldMode: false
Rxvt*font: -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Rxvt*boldFont: -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Between setting boldMode to false, and using both medium builds, it gets the job done. You might be able to get it working with one or the other, so your mileage may vary.
Open Toes; Open Mind; Open Source.
Thanks for the reply. The Rxvt*boldMode: false option did the trick. I couldn't get the other two lines to work. It would give me an error about not having that font even though I have installed it before. How can I setup my system to recognize all my fonts? Thanks for the help.
terminus installs into
now; it wasn't in my xorg.conf file so i had to add that line. Then you can run
xset fp rehash
to be able to access the terminus font without leaving X. Then you shold be good to go. Enjoy!
Open Toes; Open Mind; Open Source.
Thanks that took care of it. Man I'm finally learning how to 'really' use a linux box. Thanks for the help.
np man, we all start somewhere. I actually just learned about using xset to rehash my fonts (of course, this was after I had killed my xserver ~10 times trying to find the problem, with terminus-fonts (or rather my xorg.conf), and to test it all; :x )
but always happy to help.
Open Toes; Open Mind; Open Source.
Pages: 1