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Pages: 1
G'day. I am playing with my .conkyrc and I've added a
tial -f /var/log/messages.log
in there.
As root I had to chmod this file. That's O.K.
After a reboot this file is not readable anymore for ordinary users... thats strange. Why does a reboot undo my chmod-command? The file is not re-created because I see history data from prior sessions.
Somewhere between "too small" and "too large" lies the size that is just right.
- Scott Hayes
this is security feature. messages.log contains information that may be used to compromise your box if world readable.
use sudo and add required info to sudoers
you don't have to change permissions to view the log files as an ordinary user, simply add them to the log group
you don't have to change permissions to view the log files as an ordinary user, simply add them to the log group
I have to focus more on groups instead of changing file permissions, Okay, I'll adjust my mindset.
Somewhere between "too small" and "too large" lies the size that is just right.
- Scott Hayes
Pages: 1