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So I am quite puzzeled by this. I'm trying to install Arch on an Intel NUC. The USB stick doesn't get recognized when I boot the machine. Only when I switch to legacy BIOS mode it works, but I don't want that.
When I use the stick in a different machine, it works. I have also tried several different sticks with no luck.
ALSO, when I burn a diffrent iso like tails linux it works fine in UEFI mode. This is weird, isnt it? There is something about my specific combination of this NUC and the archiso.
Any ideas how I could solve this?
Last edited by Melchi (2022-07-14 14:09:11)
Okay, i solved it by trying the USB ports in the back. Still weird but whatever..
I'm definitely having an issue with the July Archiso and UEFI on Dell with Secure Boot off (laptop has existing Arch installed via UEFI). It's not my USB device because I can see the boot option for AlmaLinux with that ISO.
Ugh. The ISO is working. I was DD'ing to the usb partition instead of the device. /slapsforehead
It's been a long week.
Last edited by demizer (2022-07-16 22:03:37)