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After using Windows XP x64 for the past few years, it has put me off installing a 64bit OS, everything is out of date, unsecure and unsupported.
Is this the case with Arch64, or does it behave aswell as Arch i686? I am looking to run a webserver and install the latest versions of these:
Lighttpd or Apache2
PHP 5.2.0
MySQL 5.0.27
Server Specification:
Dell PowerEdge
Intel Xeon 3040 (Core Duo Architecture)
2x 80GB 7200rpm SATA (RAID 1 Mirrored)
What would you recommend? Arch64 or Arch i686?
Also the host I will be renting the server from doesn't have Arch Linux as an option, but I am hoping I can pay them to install it. If not, is there any way of installing it over the internet?
This is what is in current for arch64:
mysql 5.0.27
php 5.2.1
apache 2.2.3
It is exactly what you need.
See this: … ovement.3F
Basically, you should go with arch64 over arch32 for slight mysql and apache performance benefits. The gentoo thread linked from there has some detailed analysis.
Thankyou for your reply, I am installing Arch64 now using FTP.
I have read alot about Lighttpd being better than Apache, also I think it is made by a MySQL developer, would you use Lighttpd over Apache?
The server will be used as a webserver, initially for PHP/MySQL websites, and perhaps a bit of Ruby on Rails too if I choose to go down that path.
have you a core duo or a core 2 duo?
my knowlege is, that core duo is only 32 bit, and core 2 duo is 32/64 bit
Have you tried to turn it off and on again?
Here is the configurator of the host I will be going with:
It says:
"Dual Core Intel Xeon 3040 (Core Duo Architecture)"
I had a look on the intel website for it, found a PDF and it says the Dual Core Xeon 3000 Series are 64bit. So I am assuming the 3040 is? Not totally sure though because for some reason Intel don't like to make it obvious wether or not a particular chip is 64bit or 32bit. I looked at a few online stores for the Dual Core Intel Xeon 3040 and it didn't say either way.
I have just managed to install Arch64 (base packages) over FTP, and am having fun configuring it. Got a bit hairy when I didnt configure GRUB properly, and the default values were totally wrong, but google saved the day.
The Xeon 3040 is EM64T capable.
Lighttpd is a sweet little webserver. Too bad i can't tell you how it performs under pressure. I only use it for php scripting locally. But it really is a dream to set up with php fastcgi. You need to build it from abs, since the .install file has to be modified (it contains a syntax error, one line is suppose to be "install -Dm644", but is currently "Dm644"...)
"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
They will represent the boundaries of your experience."
SETH / Jane Roberts
just tried to install it and got that error, hmmm does broken stuff like this normally get into the repositories, or is extra untested?
I am reading up about pacman, but is it possible to edit a package to fix the bug?
Edit: For now I will use Apache 2.2.3
I just noticed lighttpd is updated to lighttpd-1.4.13-1, and the .install script is in order again
Oh, and by the way. To fix that problem, you would only have had to update the "library" of PKGBUILDs, by installing cvsup, and then run 'abs' as root.
abs will download PKGBUILDS from whatever repos are listed in /etc/abs/abs.conf.
Step 2 would have been to stand in /var/abs/local and 'cp -r ../extra/daemons/lighttpd .' and then cd into lighttpd and 'makepkg -bs' (b for build, s for download dependancies)
Nifty ey? Thats what i call easy compiling. After that, you would install the package you get with 'pacman -A packagename.pkg.tar.gz'
This is also how you build a package from the AUR.
"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
They will represent the boundaries of your experience."
SETH / Jane Roberts
It's also possible to download the PKGBUILD and other related files directly from CVS or cut and paste them off of the Arch website by clicking View CVS Entries on each of the package pages.
Ta for the help guys, but "whooooosh!"
hmmm, ive done a:
"pacman -Syu"
but it only download lighttpd 1.4.12 and still has errors how do I get it to download 1.4.13?
1.4.13 is definitely available, maybe your repository hadn't updated.
Try again with: pacman -Sy lighttpd
going to give the 32bit version of Arch a whirl, not having fun with x64.
Suggest using the latest isos from tpowa's repository, see here.
Not had any problems with the actual installation as of yet, but then again I have always chosen FTP installation to get the latest base packages.