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ssh-agent is a blessing for convenient yet secure remote access, but the standard tool to start it up on login is in my opinion overly complicated. Keychain is a script in more than 1500 lines of code for doing essentially what I do in 8 lines. It does of course have tons more features, but I don't see any reason for all of that. Here's my /etc/profile.d/, I hope somebody finds it useful:
# If the directory ~/.ssh/agent exists, ssh-agent is started automagically.
# The script first checks whether $HOSTNAME-sh already contains information
# about a running ssh-agent process, in which case nothing further is done.
# When necessary, which should only be once per reboot, ssh-agent is started
# and the two important variables are defined in $HOSTNAME-sh for use by
# future login sessions.
# Tip: Put '. /etc/profile' in your ~/.xinitrc and ~/.xsession
# This is a good idea not only because of this script.
if [ -d $HOME/.ssh/agent ]; then
[ -f $HOME/.ssh/agent/$HOSTNAME-sh ] && . $HOME/.ssh/agent/$HOSTNAME-sh
if ! [ -S "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
eval `/usr/bin/ssh-agent` > /dev/null
echo "export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" > $HOME/.ssh/agent/$HOSTNAME-sh
echo "export SSH_AGENT_PID=$SSH_AGENT_PID" >> $HOME/.ssh/agent/$HOSTNAME-sh
All of your mips are belong to us!!
Pages: 1