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Pages: 1
I am not asking for code help as I am not a programmer at all.
When someone writes code under C/C++, they need to declare a few things.
File names will have to be one of these things under certain circumstances, am I correct?
File names such as configuration file names?
If so, I could possibly grep for a file declaration command within a file provided with the sourcecode and from the grep output I could determine what the filenames are called by the source code. That would be helpful as I try to polish my weak Linux administration skills.
In GWBasic, I used to write something like
open for input as 1 'filename.ext',0
Is nothing similar in the source code for Linux?
in C its normally..
*fp= fopen("file", "r");
I think thats it, so yeah u can grep out file names.
Thank you, Ody.
What do you think - am I whacked for going about this in this fashion?
Pages: 1