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EDIT: SOLVED: I think due to trying a few distros, wires got crossed with grub and/or the UEFI with this latest archinstall install. I removed all old/nonexistant linux boot options from the BIOS (thank god dell BIOSes are so feature packed), and now the archinstall installation boots into a proper, normal grub interface.
Current version of arch iso. I selected grub instead of the default one.
This is on a new Dell XPS 9720 (with intel 12700H and nVidia 3060). I chose intel drivers, not sure that it would matter.
Stock windows install is on its own SSD. Arch is on its own SSD.
Archinstall finishes with no errors, but when booting up the machine it just goes to a black screen that says minimal BASH-like editing is supported and has a grub> prompt.
Some notes that may be relevant:
- RAID disabled, using AHCI
- Secure boot disabled
- Can't disable fastboot, so I set it to thorough (this seems like the option closest to the opposite of a fast boot, the other options are minimal (which seems fast) and auto).
- Ubuntu installs fine and everything works (except deep sleep, but we know this for this machine, but everything else like brightness controls and so forth works). This was just a test case since this machine is supposed to have great linux support.
- Manjaro takes FOREVER (20 min) to install where it should take 3 min. It fails to reboot after install, and ever again. Must be manually shut down with the physical button.
- Arch archinstall gives me an error about dev/sda (the install USB) the first time I enter the "drives" section, but the second time entering that section it works normally. Then, the first time I proceeded with an installation, it failed with another error about dev/sda. I used ubuntu Disks to wipe the drive and retry the archinstall, whereupon it gives the same error when entering the "drives" section the first time only, but the actual install completes successfully "with no errors".
Last edited by Cheeto (2022-12-19 20:48:09)
The "grub>" prompt indicates that either grub.cfg cannot be found or that it contains no menu entries.
We need to see a full list of the exact commands used to install the system, or at least the bootloader. EDIT: sorry, disregard that, you're trying to use archinstall.
If you want archinstall to work then post the log and request a change of sub-forum so that the developer can see it.
Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2022-12-19 19:51:03)
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
To help with development, I don't mind contributing my logs after I get this cleared up. For now my top priority is getting past this issue.
For a list of commands, I can link to the archinstall script if someone says where/how. And I'm happy to share any logs for this topic.
EDIT: a lot of results for this issue are from people neglecting to install a kernel. I definitely selected a kernel (don't even know if archinstall will let you proceed without selecting one), and confirmed that it's installed via the chroot prompt.
Last edited by Cheeto (2022-12-19 19:58:06)
To help with development, I don't mind contributing my logs after I get this cleared up. For now my top priority is getting past this issue.
Well I can't help without seeing the log.
For a list of commands
Sorry, I made that request whilst under the impression you tried to install manually. I should read more carefully. The archinstall log should have all the information we need.
And please use the "Report" button on your first post and request that this be moved to the archinstall sub-forum. The developer should be notified then and I'm sure they'll be able to help better than me.
EDIT: thanks Slithery!
Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2022-12-19 20:05:13)
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Thank you guys.
I'm not sure how to get the log(s) for you.
Should I just wait for a response from the dev now?
I'm not sure how to get the log(s) for you
Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2022-12-19 20:13:25)
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Trying to figure out how to mark this as solved. Not enough space in the title section. Also updating the OP with the explanation now.
EDIT: Thanks again.
Last edited by Cheeto (2022-12-19 20:17:15)
Trying to figure out how to mark this as solved. Not enough space in the title section.
Change it to
[SOLVED] archinstall lands at 'grub>' prompt
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî