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#1 2022-12-27 03:54:24

Registered: 2020-03-27
Posts: 34

emby-theater bin directory permissions 700?

Hello, I recently installed emby-theater from the community repo and I noticed immediately after installation that I can't run it as a regular user, the directory with the application has 700 permissions:

[root@NUC ]# ll /usr/lib | grep emby-theater
 4.0K drwx------   5 root root  4.0K Dec 26 22:37 emby-theater/
[root@NUC ]# /usr/bin/emby-theater

As root it appears to run fine. I recursively chmodded the /usr/lib/emby-theater directory to 755 and was able to run it fine as a local user.

Seems like this is a bug, i would imagine....


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