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I scanned my drive with clamav and it says it found 2 viruses and it did not remove them.
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 8647126
Engine version: 0.105.1
Scanned directories: 26597
Scanned files: 374214
Infected files: 2
Total errors: 24354
Not removed: 2
Data scanned: 34523.33 MB
Data read: 78647.05 MB (ratio 0.44:1)
Time: 3772.854 sec (62 m 52 s)
Start Date: 2023:01:06 21:52:35
I used the command:
firejail clamscan --recursive --remove /
Probably because of firejail?
I tried it without firejail last time and it found 4 but it didn't remove the 2 viruses.
Where are those files located and what access does the user clamscan runs as have for the location(s) ?
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky