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Pages: 1
I can try to translate in italian.
I don't have too much time, but I can try.
Ciao and thanks for the distro.
Only one question: when is available the new iso 0.6. At home I don't have Internet connection.
Only one question: when is available the new iso 0.6. At home I don't have Internet connection.
There's a 0.6-base-BETA2 iso on the ftp server right now.
apeiro i was wondering why there's never any announcements (in the front page, even in the announcements forum) about betas... i think they should be announced so everyone that wants can try it and help discover bugs and such... is just a thought though.
I might give it a try if i get a broadband friend to download it... thanks for the hardwork (and keep it up )
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux
Pages: 1