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#1 2023-02-20 08:01:27

Registered: 2023-02-20
Posts: 1

powerdevil and VNC server

After starting VNC server (systemctl start vncserver@:1) a second instance of powerdevil is started, but it keeps crashing and coredumping (after crash, it is started over and over again).

org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/org_kde_powerdevil
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 32 -- exe=/usr/lib/org_kde_powerdevil
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 13 -- platform=xcb
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 11 -- display=:1
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 27 -- appname=org_kde_powerdevil
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 17 -- apppath=/usr/lib
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 9 -- signal=6
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 9 -- pid=1213
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 18 -- appversion=5.27.0
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 40 -- programname=KDE Power Management System
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 31 --
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 23 -- productname=Powerdevil
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: 15 -- restarted=true
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: KCrash: Application Name = org_kde_powerdevil path = /usr/lib pid = 1213
org_kde_powerdevil[1213]: KCrash: Arguments: /usr/lib/org_kde_powerdevil
systemd[1]: Created slice Slice /system/systemd-coredump.
systemd[1]: Started Process Core Dump (PID 1291/UID 0).
org_kde_powerdevil[1290]: org.kde.powerdevil: org.kde.powerdevil.discretegpuhelper.hasdualgpu failed
org_kde_powerdevil[1290]: org.kde.powerdevil: org.kde.powerdevil.chargethresholdhelper.getthreshold failed ""
org_kde_powerdevil[1290]: org.kde.powerdevil: org.kde.powerdevil.backlighthelper.brightness failed
org_kde_powerdevil[1290]: org.kde.kscreen.dpms: DPMS extension not available
org_kde_powerdevil[1290]: /usr/include/c++/12.2.1/optional:484: constexpr const _Tp& std::_Optional_base_impl<_Tp, _Dp>::_M_get() const [with _Tp = bool; _Dp = std::_Optional_base<bool, true, true>]: Assertion 'this->_M_is_engag>
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
pckolar kded5[934]: org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
pckolar systemd-coredump[1293]: [?] Process 1213 (org_kde_powerde) of user 1001 dumped core.
                                                 Stack trace of thread 1213:
                                                 #0  0x00007f4f252a08ec n/a ( + 0x878ec)

Is there any way how to disable powerdevil (+ sound ?) for vnc session? Or how to solve the situation?


#2 2023-02-23 05:22:35

Registered: 2013-05-28
Posts: 2

Re: powerdevil and VNC server

Try just removing powerdevil (and the meta package) to stop the continuous core dumps.   

Discover, colord, and baloo all have had the same type of issues with the tiger vnc server.   Baloo might be unrelated, but still overloads the system.   

I've only had this issue with vnc sessions, so really unsure what is going on.


#3 2023-02-26 02:55:06

From: São Paulo/BR
Registered: 2019-01-25
Posts: 4

Re: powerdevil and VNC server

I don't use VNC server, just minimal KDE on desktop and I am getting sequential coredumps from powerdevil too, since I updated to version 5.27.1-2 from 5.26.5-1.
But it just happens when I use X11 session, logging in wayland session does stop this.

I will try to revert to previous version and check if problem persists.

Sorry, I remembered that I uninstalled powerdevil on my installation and looking at pacman.log the last version of plasma-desktop
installed it back. The errors I have got are caused by a custom xorg config to turnoff DPMS on my monitor. Looking at your error
log it seems to be the same thing? Not sure how this works in VNC, but maybe the fact that DPMS is disabled/not available on
your setup might be the cause that powerdevil crashes like crazy.

After removing the mentioned configuration powerdevil came back to normal.

Last edited by chbtakano (2023-02-26 03:24:41)


#4 2023-02-27 08:35:21

Registered: 2019-11-05
Posts: 8

Re: powerdevil and VNC server

Hello, same with xrdp, continous dumping process powerdevil  (5.27.1-2) while session active:
This error didn't exist with previous versions of powerdevil  sad

I don't want to uninstall plasma because usage of plasma-meta sad
Is there a way to simply disable powerdevil ?

Feb 23 17:38:25 mypc org_kde_powerdevil[1301817]: org.kde.powerdevil: org.kde.powerdevil.discretegpuhelper.hasdualgpu failed
Feb 23 17:38:25 mypc org_kde_powerdevil[1301817]: org.kde.powerdevil: org.kde.powerdevil.chargethresholdhelper.getthreshold failed ""
Feb 23 17:38:25 mypc org_kde_powerdevil[1301817]: org.kde.powerdevil: org.kde.powerdevil.backlighthelper.brightness failed
Feb 23 17:38:25 mypc org_kde_powerdevil[1301817]: org.kde.kscreen.dpms: DPMS extension not available
Feb 23 17:38:26 mypc systemd-coredump[1301820]: [LNK] Process 1301742 (org_kde_powerde) of user 1000 dumped core.
                                                   Stack trace of thread 1301742:
                                                   #0  0x00007f94350a08ec n/a ( + 0x878ec)
                                                   #1  0x00007f9435051ea8 raise ( + 0x38ea8)
                                                   #2  0x00007f943657837c _ZN6KCrash19defaultCrashHandlerEi ( + 0x737c)
                                                   #3  0x00007f9435051f50 n/a ( + 0x38f50)
                                                   #4  0x00007f94350a08ec n/a ( + 0x878ec)
                                                   #5  0x00007f9435051ea8 raise ( + 0x38ea8)
                                                   #6  0x00007f943503b53d abort ( + 0x2253d)
                                                   #7  0x00007f94352d30e2 _ZSt21__glibcxx_assert_failPKciS0_S0_ ( + 0xd30e2)
                                                   #8  0x00007f942c765368 _ZNK7KScreen4Dpms11isSupportedEv ( + 0x7368)
                                                   #9  0x00007f9436541d70 _ZN10PowerDevil10ActionPool4initEPNS_4CoreE ( + 0x12d70)
                                                   #10 0x00007f9436549a9d _ZN10PowerDevil4Core14onBackendReadyEv ( + 0x1aa9d)
                                                   #11 0x00007f94358bea71 n/a ( + 0x2bea71)
                                                   #12 0x00007f942d82d34b _ZN23PowerDevilUPowerBackend18initWithBrightnessEb ( + 0x1134b)
                                                   #13 0x00007f94358bea71 n/a ( + 0x2bea71)
                                                   #14 0x00007f942d824494 _ZN23PowerDevilUPowerBackend24brightnessSupportQueriedEb ( + 0x8494)
                                                   #15 0x00007f94358bea71 n/a ( + 0x2bea71)
                                                   #16 0x00007f94363ca43a _ZN4KJob6resultEPS_NS_14QPrivateSignalE ( + 0x5a43a)
                                                   #17 0x00007f94363d054c _ZN4KJob9finishJobEb ( + 0x6054c)
                                                   #18 0x00007f94358bea71 n/a ( + 0x2bea71)
                                                   #19 0x00007f942eac4785 n/a ( + 0xa785)
                                                   #20 0x00007f942eac4e91 n/a ( + 0xae91)
                                                   #21 0x00007f943635145f n/a ( + 0x6145f)
                                                   #22 0x00007f94358b1bb0 _ZN7QObject5eventEP6QEvent ( + 0x2b1bb0)
                                                   #23 0x00007f943588df48 _ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0x28df48)
                                                   #24 0x00007f943588ea53 _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate16sendPostedEventsEP7QObjectiP11QThreadData ( + 0x28ea53)
                                                   #25 0x00007f94358d4e88 n/a ( + 0x2d4e88)
                                                   #26 0x00007f943431682b g_main_context_dispatch ( + 0x5582b)
                                                   #27 0x00007f943436dcc9 n/a ( + 0xaccc9)
                                                   #28 0x00007f94343150e2 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x540e2)
                                                   #29 0x00007f94358d8c6c _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x2d8c6c)
                                                   #30 0x00007f94358866ec _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x2866ec)
                                                   #31 0x00007f9435891219 _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv ( + 0x291219)
                                                   #32 0x0000563eed78a55b n/a (org_kde_powerdevil + 0x655b)
                                                   #33 0x00007f943503c790 n/a ( + 0x23790)
                                                   #34 0x00007f943503c84a __libc_start_main ( + 0x2384a)
                                                   #35 0x0000563eed78b095 n/a (org_kde_powerdevil + 0x7095)
                                                   Stack trace of thread 1301750:
                                                   #0  0x00007f94351139df __poll ( + 0xfa9df)
                                                   #1  0x00007f943436dc2f n/a ( + 0xacc2f)
                                                   #2  0x00007f94343150e2 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x540e2)
                                                   #3  0x00007f9434315132 n/a ( + 0x54132)
                                                   #4  0x00007f9434343db5 n/a ( + 0x82db5)
                                                   #5  0x00007f943509ebb5 n/a ( + 0x85bb5)
                                                   #6  0x00007f9435120d90 n/a ( + 0x107d90)
                                                   Stack trace of thread 1301751:
                                                   #0  0x00007f94351139df __poll ( + 0xfa9df)
                                                   #1  0x00007f943436dc2f n/a ( + 0xacc2f)
                                                   #2  0x00007f9434315d8f g_main_loop_run ( + 0x54d8f)
                                                   #3  0x00007f942e9a8aec n/a ( + 0x10aaec)
                                                   #4  0x00007f9434343db5 n/a ( + 0x82db5)
                                                   #5  0x00007f943509ebb5 n/a ( + 0x85bb5)
                                                   #6  0x00007f9435120d90 n/a ( + 0x107d90)
                                                   Stack trace of thread 1301747:
                                                   #0  0x00007f94351139df __poll ( + 0xfa9df)
                                                   #1  0x00007f943544d26b n/a ( + 0xd26b)
                                                   #2  0x00007f943544ed1d xcb_wait_for_event ( + 0xed1d)
                                                   #3  0x00007f942fcda252 n/a ( + 0x62252)
                                                   #4  0x00007f94356e432a n/a ( + 0xe432a)
                                                   #5  0x00007f943509ebb5 n/a ( + 0x85bb5)
                                                   #6  0x00007f9435120d90 n/a ( + 0x107d90)
                                                   Stack trace of thread 1301746:
                                                   #0  0x00007f94351139df __poll ( + 0xfa9df)
                                                   #1  0x00007f943436dc2f n/a ( + 0xacc2f)
                                                   #2  0x00007f94343150e2 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x540e2)
                                                   #3  0x00007f94358d8c6c _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x2d8c6c)
                                                   #4  0x00007f94358866ec _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x2866ec)
                                                   #5  0x00007f94356e725f _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0xe725f)
                                                   #6  0x00007f9436313cba n/a ( + 0x23cba)
                                                   #7  0x00007f94356e432a n/a ( + 0xe432a)
                                                   #8  0x00007f943509ebb5 n/a ( + 0x85bb5)
                                                   #9  0x00007f9435120d90 n/a ( + 0x107d90)
                                                   Stack trace of thread 1301798:
                                                   #0  0x00007f9435116341 pselect ( + 0xfd341)
                                                   #1  0x00007f9433943524 n/a ( + 0x2524)
                                                   #2  0x00007f94339448a9 n/a ( + 0x38a9)
                                                   #3  0x00007f943509ebb5 n/a ( + 0x85bb5)
                                                   #4  0x00007f9435120d90 n/a ( + 0x107d90)
                                                   ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
Feb 23 17:38:26 mypc systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@232197-1301818-0.service: Deactivated successfully.
Feb 23 17:38:26 mypc systemd-coredump[1301823]: [LNK] Process 1301748 (DiscoverNotifie) of user 1000 dumped core.

Last edited by trakno (2023-02-27 08:48:07)

Rules changes with rolling updates !


#5 2023-02-28 04:11:43

From: São Paulo/BR
Registered: 2019-01-25
Posts: 4

Re: powerdevil and VNC server

Your problem seems to be the same as the original poster, my guess is that as you are in a remote session the xserver
running on the remote machine can not use DPMS to turn your local monitor off. So powerdevil crashes because it
does not know what to do?

If you want to disable powerdevil you probably have to mask the service unit in the remote machine because it is
automatically started by systemd when it starts your user session.

$ systemctl --user mask plasma-powerdevil.service

I have not tested this, and as powerdevil is a dependency of plasma-desktop I am not sure what else can happen,
maybe you will have to configure power setting configs in /etc/systemd/logind.conf as that is what may assume
control of the remote host power settings.


#6 2023-02-28 09:14:14

Registered: 2019-11-05
Posts: 8

Re: powerdevil and VNC server

Unfortunately "Failed to get properties: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1" on rdp session, and no effect on rdp sessions with passing in console session.
I have downgraded powerdevil from 5.27 to 5.25 and no more crash!
I'll try to declare this incident on KDE Bugtracking website.
Regards smile

Rules changes with rolling updates !


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