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#1 2023-03-05 06:10:38

Registered: 2023-02-11
Posts: 22

How can I ask better questions?

In my previous post I asked a question while pointing out what I've done to resolve an issue myself, trying to follow the guidelines and moderator suggestions. … 8#p2087728

I don't understand.

Thanks to everybody that is contributing to make open-source software possible.
Apparently I still manage to offend people, even while trying to be as empathic as possible and search/try to learn before posting.
I love y'all.


#2 2023-03-05 07:59:20

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,985

Re: How can I ask better questions?

Just because you didn't get an answer within 48h doesn't mean there's something wrog w/ the post, just that nobody had time to look into it or knew an answer.
Fyi, this isn't a helpdesk, everyone else here is just other users helping each other out in spare time.

As for following the guidelines, this thread here counts as bumping tongue


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