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Using Arch64. I can't seem to get the new flashplayer (The beta 9 version) from the unstable repo. It's listed on the repo pages on the Arch website. Has it not been placed in the Arch64 Unstable repo??
I could be wrong here - but I don't think there is 64bit flash (it's closed source and has nothing to do with linux - so we are waiting for macromedia to release one)
However I have read in several posts about getting it to work with nspluginwrapper - I don't know anything about this as I use the 32bit Arch. Look here.
Nspluginwrapper is working for me in Firefox now. It does not work in Konqueror completely (yet).
I've tried to install nspluginwrapper from AUR. It seems to need aurbuild to do it. So when I try to build aurbuild it says it needs versionpkg> 0.7.1.
When I try versionpkg, I find it's a .sh file and when I run it I get
==> ERROR: No SVN, CVS, or Mercurial variables found! Aborting...
What next??
I would (did) install versionpkg with its PKGBUILD. Go into AUR to versionpkg. Go to the CVS entry on your left, and then grab both the PKGBUILD file and the script. Build with makepkg and install. Then you should be able to build aurbuild.
Although, you could build both nspluginwrapper and the plugin by grabbing all of the install files and running makepkg (one at a time, of course).
Thanks skottish.
I built everything as you said and now if I try youtube, I get video - no sound. If I try Fox news I get neither video nor sound??
I tried, as suggested in another post to run "esd & firefox" from a terminal. Still doesnt work but the terminal displays
*** NSPlugin Viewer *** WARNING: unhandled variable 15 for NPN_GetValue
multiple times when I try a new video or website.
Any idea??
versionpkg is in [community]
As for "NPN_GetValue" those errors are usual (nspluginwrapper is beta)
Sound doesnt work with flash9+nspluginwrapper, with flash 7 it works flawlessly. (should lookup this someday).
Flying is Trying is Dying
Actually the solution for getting sound work on fash9 is damn easy.
wait for nspluginwrapper to appear in AUR.
Flying is Trying is Dying
AUR pkg updated, initial support for lib32- pkgs from [commuity] (it will look libraries by lib32-pkgs and the use /opt/nspluginwrapper as fallback).
Current lib32-pkgs for nspluginwrapper:
lib32-gcc lib32-libxmu lib32-libx11 lib32-libxext lib32-libxt lib32-glibc lib32-libxau lib32-libsm lib32-libice lib32-fontconfig lib32-libxrender lib32-libxinerama lib32-libxrandr lib32-libxcursor lib32-libxfixes lib32-libxft lib32-freetype2 lib32-zlib lib32-expat
Missing lib32-pkgs for full nspluginwrapper:
gtk2 atk pango glib2 cairo libxi libpng
After these packages are in community/lib32 /opt/nspluginwrapperlibs can be dropped.
NOTE: you will need [community] since the PKGBUILD depends on lib32-gcc.
Flying is Trying is Dying
Just a note: I am working on updated lib32-packages; if everything goes well there will be gtk2-support.
Thanks. I did a Pacman -U and removed nspluginwrapper and nspluginwrapper-flash-beta. Then I made sure that all the libs you listed above were on my machine. Then I got nspluginwrapper and nspluginwrapper-flash-beta from AUR fresh, ran makepkg and a pacman -U for both (nspluginwrapper first).
Now, if I go to say, Fox news I get sound, but no video??
I'd really like to solve this if we can.
Please can someone help??
The video not seeing seems to be problem with flash9 (BETA) plugin, with flash7 video works. (tested this on arch32 too, flash9 is broken on that)
Flying is Trying is Dying
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