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#1 2023-03-11 23:52:41

Registered: 2023-03-11
Posts: 5

nvme issues on new install

So i got a new nvme ssd for my pc and on my current arch install it shows up under lsblk:

nvme0n1     259:0    0 931.5G  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1 259:1    0   500M  0 part
└─nvme0n1p2 259:2    0   931G  0 part

so I installed arch with local/arch-install-scripts via my old install.

but after grub loaded the kernel rootfs won't mount because it can't finde my nvme ssd and it doesn't show in /dev/

after some reading it seems like I have Intel RST activated in bios which seems to cause problems but after I set it to AHCI my PC refuses to boot entirely

I would guess this is some kind of bug in my UEFI

Would there be anyway to still install arch on it?
And does anyone know why it shows up in my current install but not in e.g. a archiso?


#2 2023-03-11 23:59:58

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 12,453

Re: nvme issues on new install

boot the fallback initramfs


#3 2023-03-12 00:03:41

Registered: 2023-03-11
Posts: 5

Re: nvme issues on new install

Scimmia wrote:

boot the fallback initramfs

Same Issue rootfs won't mount because it can't find the drive


#4 2023-03-12 00:57:29

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 12,453

Re: nvme issues on new install

Next thing I would try is booting the linux-lts kernel.


#5 2023-03-16 04:08:47

Registered: 2017-04-16
Posts: 15

Re: nvme issues on new install

Might be that your motherboard/uefi isn't able to boot from nvme drive.   I was considering installing an nvme ssd for one of my old systems with an ASROCK Z77 Extreme 6 but found out that it will recognize an nvme m.2 ssd (installed with an adapter in pci slot) for storage, but can't boot from it.


#6 2023-03-17 14:39:13

Registered: 2023-03-11
Posts: 5

Re: nvme issues on new install

joelk wrote:

Might be that your motherboard/uefi isn't able to boot from nvme drive.   I was considering installing an nvme ssd for one of my old systems with an ASROCK Z77 Extreme 6 but found out that it will recognize an nvme m.2 ssd (installed with an adapter in pci slot) for storage, but can't boot from it.

grub is installed on the nvme and succesfully starts even the kernel loads but the kernel can't mount rootfs


#7 2023-03-18 14:15:22

Registered: 2023-03-11
Posts: 5

Re: nvme issues on new install

After some thinking I could try to use the NVMe as a separate /home drive and keep my old install intact this won't really fix my issue but it's an acceptable work around. Still I do wonder why the nvme shows up on my archlinux install and not on any other e.g. USB ISOs from diffrent distros

Last edited by RegenJacob (2023-03-18 14:17:11)


#8 2023-03-18 14:18:35

Registered: 2023-03-11
Posts: 5

Re: nvme issues on new install

The only difference that comes to mind is that I run the zen kernel


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