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#1 2023-03-20 22:08:11

Registered: 2021-11-21
Posts: 7

Calf plugins not loading in Ardour

It seems that the recent upgrade to libinstpatch has caused the Calf plugins to be unable to load.

lilv_lib_open(): error: Failed to open library /usr/lib/lv2/calf.lv2/ (/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: g_string_free_and_steal)


#2 2023-03-21 20:51:14

Registered: 2014-05-14
Posts: 757

Re: Calf plugins not loading in Ardour

Please post this:

$ pacman -Qs "ardour|calf|^linux$|^glib2$"



#3 2023-03-25 07:52:43

Registered: 2023-03-25
Posts: 2

Re: Calf plugins not loading in Ardour

I was having the same issue but with Carla. Here was my solution (WARNING: DON'T DO THIS ON A HOST SYSTEM):

sudo pacman -U

This will downgrade libinstpatch to a version before the current one (which is 1.1.6-2 at the time of writing). If done on a host system, this can conflict with other tools that may utilize this library, which is why I strongly advise that you only ever perform operations like this inside of containers. If a system tool relies on it (unlikely with an instrument-related library in all honesty), your system may fail to boot. Fortunately, I already use Ardour in an Arch-based podman container (so it isn't removed after updates on SteamOS), so I could safely test that, and it makes Carla work perfectly as an LV2 plugin in Ardour again.

You can see in the archives that an update was released just a week ago ( The update just prior (1.1.6-1) worked fine. Clearly something happened between 1.1.6-1 and 1.1.6-2 regarding the "g_string_free_and_steal" symbol. Not sure if that was intentional, but hopefully it is resolved soon.

If you REALLY need to use those plugins and cannot wait for a real fix, you might be able to get away with using a custom install dir for pacman (see "--root"), installing the downgraded/archived package to it, and using the




environment variable to load the old library from the custom directory. This way, you can tell a specific app to use the old library without interfering with the system's installed version and without the need for an entire podman/docker/proot/chroot setup.

Also, for context: there is no official 1.1.6-2 for libinstpatch ( There still hasn't been a release since 2021. Just a 1.1.6. This seems to be an Arch package issue. You could try creating an issue/bug for the Arch package ( … instpatch/) under "Package Actions" on the right to hopefully have an official fix released or at least an explanation of why this is happening now. 1.1.6-2 was apparently only supposed to be a rebuild in order to re-sign the package ( … dd923bce5a).

Last edited by nickgirga (2023-03-25 09:13:34)


#4 2023-03-25 09:55:45

Registered: 2023-03-25
Posts: 2

Re: Calf plugins not loading in Ardour

Ok I've tested. This is the easiest fix for system installs (no containers).


mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/lib/libinstpatch-1.1.6-1/var/lib/pacman/"
sudo pacman -Syy --root "$HOME/.local/lib/libinstpatch-1.1.6-1"
sudo pacman -U --root "$HOME/.local/lib/libinstpatch-1.1.6-1"

Launching (the official Ardour binary):

LD_PRELOAD="$HOME/.local/lib/libinstpatch-1.1.6-1/usr/lib/" /opt/Ardour-7.3.0/bin/ardour7

While this works great there are 2 issues with it:

  • because we are asking pacman to install all dependencies as well, this takes at least 265.1 MiB (the second point elaborates on why this was intentional)

  • this will likely stop working when libinstpatch's dependencies are updated on the actual system to a point of incompatibility. At this point, we may want to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH in lieu of LD_PRELOAD in order to load all of libinstpatch-1.1.6-1's version-specific dependencies that we installed with it (and that's still a shot in the dark). Hopefully a real solution will be presented before then.

You could try just curling/downloading the pkg.tar.zst, extracting it, and using LD_PRELOAD with that, but this will not gather the version-specific dependencies for you.

Last edited by nickgirga (2023-03-25 10:03:35)


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