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My wife and I both log into the same laptop on different TTYs. I'm running Awesomewm, and she's running KDE/Plasma (X11)
If I connect to a bluetooth speaker using blueman-manager, I don't get a new output in Pavucontrol. Instead, it shows up on the Pavucontrol in KDE on the other TTY.
How do I force the speaker to connect to a specific user's Pulseaudio instance? Or better yet, detect which user connected the device and have it connect appropriately?
Are you starting a proper DBUS session?
That said even if you're doing that, the problem here is that bluez provides a "system wide" DBUS interface, and whichever pulse registers first will get the events first. Afaik there's no way to configure bluez to provide a per user dbus interface. Something ugly one could attempt have some script that checks whose session is currently the active one and unload the bluez-module of the "other" pulseaudios. Not entirely sure how to best do that but that would be a potential approach
Last edited by V1del (2023-06-19 19:06:25)