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After updating the texlive package I seem to have lost latexmk.
The manual page for latexmk is now a dead link: … texmk.1.en
Issuing `tlmgr info latexmk` produces:
package: latexmk
category: Package
shortdesc: Fully automated LaTeX document generation
longdesc: Latexmk completely automates the process of generating a LaTeX document. Given the source files for a document, latexmk issues the appropriate sequence of commands to generate a .dvi, .ps, .pdf or hardcopy version of the document. An important feature is the "preview continuous mode", where the script watches all of the source files (primary file and included TeX and graphics files), and reruns LaTeX, etc., whenever a source file has changed. Thus a previewer can offer a display of the document's latest state.
installed: Yes
revision: 65485
sizes: doc: 1105k, run: 465k, bin: 65k
relocatable: No
cat-version: 4.79
cat-license: gpl2
cat-topics: compilation
cat-related: latexn prv arara
collection: collection-binextra
The "installed: Yes" seems to suggest that the program is still installed. Issuing `pacman -F latexmk` gives
extra/texlive-core 2018.47471-1 (texlive-most)
However, the path `usr/bin/latexmk` does not exist on my system.
Any ideas how I can get `latexmk` back?
Offline … anization/
Also, update your pacman -F database. You haven't updated it in 5 years.
Last edited by arojas (2023-06-19 18:17:31)
Since the topic isn't yet marked as solved, here's the direct answer:
Latexmk is part of the texlive-binextra package now.
pacman -S texlive-binextra
here's the direct answer ...
The OP's name is "done_with_fish" and you just gave them a fish.
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