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The last update is a few months past. I wanted to update my system, but get the following error.
Fehler: Der Vorgang konnte nicht durchgeführt werden (In Konflikt stehende Dateien)
webkitgtk-6.0: /usr/bin/WebKitWebDriver existiert im Dateisystem (gehört zu webkit2gtk-5.0)
Fehler sind aufgetreten, keine Pakete wurden aktualisiert.
This roughly translates as "webkitgtk-6.0: /usr/bin/WebKitWebDriver exists in file system (belongs to webkit2gtk-5.0)".
I tried to do `sudo pacman -Sii webkit2gtk-5.0`, but pacman doesn't know it.
I don't want to mess anything up yet, but I guess a solution would be to delete it, but I am a bit hesitated.
When posting output of a command, prepend it with LC_ALL=C
webkit2gtk-5.0 is not in the repos, which is why -Sii doesn't work. Why do you have it installed? See pacman -Qi <package>.
Ah, that was what I attempted to get via -Sii.
Pacman say's, it is required by evolution-data-server.
That dep was removed 3 months ago.
If that's the only thing that needs it, I would remove it with -Rdd, which you should generally not do because it will break deps, but it won't matter because the current version doesn't have that dep.
Thank you very much!
There was some other thing related to changed hooks I figured out myself.
One thing I would like to know is, did I mess that up or was it bad luck?
And is there a standard method to merge the .pacnew file?
I updated yesterday and webkit2gtk-5.0 is in extra.
pacman -Si webkit2gtk-5.0
Repository : extra
Name : webkit2gtk-5.0
Version : 2.38.6-1
Description : Web content engine for GTK
Architecture : x86_64
Does that mean I probably messed up?
Btw I found out about pacdiff.wasn't aware about that and have quite a few pacnews to handle.
No teckk did. That package was removed from the arch linux repos a couple months ago and has not been added back.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Pages: 1