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So lately I've been having a bunch of hard freezes with my system (computer totally freezes up, no mouse, no keyboard, have to press the power button on the tower to restart). I tried a new more powerful power supply but the same thing. I tried my older graphics card (which still works fine) but same thing. I was backing up some data (moving it to another harddrive) and I kept getting random input/output errors, random in the sense that it wasn't always with the same files, sometimes I would get these errors other times I would get no errors or errors with different files. These errors would also cause my system to freeze up a bit because I would get uninterruptible processes. So now I'm guessing that my harddrives are f*cked. How do I check my harddrives for failure? Are there tools out there that will check things out and let me know whats up? Thanks for any help.
I suggest you this:
it includes a lot of tool for hardware diagnostic.
I have recently been having the same issues. In my case the whole space on my home partition was used/full which also caused a few system freezes until I cleaned up a bit.
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
I have recently been having the same issues. In my case the whole space on my home partition was used/full which also caused a few system freezes until I cleaned up a bit.
This can't be it as I have plenty of space on my hardrives free. I will check out that ultimatebootcd and see what that can do for me.
Use smartmontools to analyze your harddrive
What kernel are you using ?
Maybe if you suspect hard drive is going then backup asap then if the worst happens you do not lose any important data ...
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Well I tried smartmontools but none of my harddrives support SMART. I am using the kernel26- And right now I'm thinking it might be a mother board issue. I am going to try some more tools and see what they produce. Man I wish I could get a stable system going. I haven't had a stable system since last spring. Thanks for the help everyone.
Well I tried smartmontools but none of my harddrives support SMART. I am using the kernel26- And right now I'm thinking it might be a mother board issue. I am going to try some more tools and see what they produce. Man I wish I could get a stable system going. I haven't had a stable system since last spring. Thanks for the help everyone.
Sure your drives support SMART.
use "-s on" to enable smart support and if you're using SATA disks, don't forget "-d ata"
And run memtest.... random errors and hangs are fairly typical of ram problems.
Was there anything in particular that caused these to begin?
Well thanks for all the replies and the help. I tried the ultimate boot cd iso and tested all my harddrives and memory as well, everything passed with no errors. So now I'm thinking its the mainboard, do you guys have any other ideas on this. My case is about as clean as it can be right now, I have cleaned it out about 3 times in the past month or so. Thanks for help.
This 'test' works to rule out hardware errors with most things.
Just install another distribution on another partition on the same harddrive and see if that works. Or try bsd, windows, or something else.
If things are working fine over there, then you know its an Arch problem.
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