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#1 2023-09-01 14:24:52

From: 47° 18' N 8° 34' E
Registered: 2022-06-01
Posts: 461

[SOLVED] make localmodconfig broken

Hi, I'm trying to compile a custom kernel via the ABS.
As the title suggests, make localmodconfig doesn't work.
I have the default arch config.

# Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>

  config  # the main kernel config file
  ABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886  # Linus Torvalds
  647F28654894E3BD457199BE38DBBDC86092693E  # Greg Kroah-Hartman
  A2FF3A36AAA56654109064AB19802F8B0D70FC30  # Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig)
  C7E7849466FE2358343588377258734B41C31549  # David Runge <>

export KBUILD_BUILD_HOST=archlinux
export KBUILD_BUILD_USER=$pkgbase

export KCFLAGS=' -march=znver3 -mtune=znver3'
export KCPPFLAGS=' -march=znver3 -mtune=znver3'

_make() {
  test -s version
  make KERNELRELEASE="$(<version)" "$@"

prepare() {
  cd $_srcname

  echo "Setting version..."
  echo "-$pkgrel" > localversion.10-pkgrel
  echo "${pkgbase#linux}" > localversion.20-pkgname
  make defconfig
  make -s kernelrelease > version
  make mrproper

  local src
  for src in "${source[@]}"; do
    [[ $src = *.patch ]] || continue
    echo "Applying patch $src..."
    patch -Np1 < "../$src"

  echo "Setting config..."
  cp ../config .config
  _make olddefconfig
  _make LSMOD=$HOME/.config/modprobed.db localmodconfig
  _make nconfig
  diff -u ../config .config || :

  echo "Prepared $pkgbase version $(<version)"

build() {
  cd $_srcname
  _make all

_package() {
  pkgdesc="The $pkgdesc kernel and modules"
    'wireless-regdb: to set the correct wireless channels of your country'
    'linux-firmware: firmware images needed for some devices'

  cd $_srcname
  local modulesdir="$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules/$(<version)"

  echo "Installing boot image..."
  # systemd expects to find the kernel here to allow hibernation
  install -Dm644 "$(_make -s image_name)" "$modulesdir/vmlinuz"

  # Used by mkinitcpio to name the kernel
  echo "$pkgbase" | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$modulesdir/pkgbase"

  echo "Installing modules..."
    DEPMOD=/doesnt/exist modules_install  # Suppress depmod

  # remove build and source links
  rm "$modulesdir"/{source,build}

_package-headers() {
  pkgdesc="Headers and scripts for building modules for the $pkgdesc kernel"

  cd $_srcname
  local builddir="$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules/$(<version)/build"

  echo "Installing build files..."
  install -Dt "$builddir" -m644 .config Makefile Module.symvers \
    localversion.* version vmlinux
  install -Dt "$builddir/kernel" -m644 kernel/Makefile
  install -Dt "$builddir/arch/x86" -m644 arch/x86/Makefile
  cp -t "$builddir" -a scripts

  # required when STACK_VALIDATION is enabled
  install -Dt "$builddir/tools/objtool" tools/objtool/objtool

  # required when DEBUG_INFO_BTF_MODULES is enabled
  install -Dt "$builddir/tools/bpf/resolve_btfids" tools/bpf/resolve_btfids/resolve_btfids

  echo "Installing headers..."
  cp -t "$builddir" -a include
  cp -t "$builddir/arch/x86" -a arch/x86/include
  install -Dt "$builddir/arch/x86/kernel" -m644 arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s

  install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/md" -m644 drivers/md/*.h
  install -Dt "$builddir/net/mac80211" -m644 net/mac80211/*.h

  install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/i2c" -m644 drivers/media/i2c/msp3400-driver.h

  install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb" -m644 drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/*.h
  install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/dvb-frontends" -m644 drivers/media/dvb-frontends/*.h
  install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/tuners" -m644 drivers/media/tuners/*.h

  install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/iio/common/hid-sensors" -m644 drivers/iio/common/hid-sensors/*.h

  echo "Installing KConfig files..."
  find . -name 'Kconfig*' -exec install -Dm644 {} "$builddir/{}" \;

  echo "Removing unneeded architectures..."
  local arch
  for arch in "$builddir"/arch/*/; do
    [[ $arch = */x86/ ]] && continue
    echo "Removing $(basename "$arch")"
    rm -r "$arch"

  echo "Removing documentation..."
  rm -r "$builddir/Documentation"

  echo "Removing broken symlinks..."
  find -L "$builddir" -type l -printf 'Removing %P\n' -delete

  echo "Removing loose objects..."
  find "$builddir" -type f -name '*.o' -printf 'Removing %P\n' -delete

  echo "Stripping build tools..."
  local file
  while read -rd '' file; do
    case "$(file -Sib "$file")" in
      application/x-sharedlib\;*)      # Libraries (.so)
        strip -v $STRIP_SHARED "$file" ;;
      application/x-archive\;*)        # Libraries (.a)
        strip -v $STRIP_STATIC "$file" ;;
      application/x-executable\;*)     # Binaries
        strip -v $STRIP_BINARIES "$file" ;;
      application/x-pie-executable\;*) # Relocatable binaries
        strip -v $STRIP_SHARED "$file" ;;
  done < <(find "$builddir" -type f -perm -u+x ! -name vmlinux -print0)

  echo "Stripping vmlinux..."
  strip -v $STRIP_STATIC "$builddir/vmlinux"

  echo "Adding symlink..."
  mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/src"
  ln -sr "$builddir" "$pkgdir/usr/src/$pkgbase"

_package-docs() {
  pkgdesc="Documentation for the $pkgdesc kernel"

  cd $_srcname
  local builddir="$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules/$(<version)/build"

  echo "Installing documentation..."
  local src dst
  while read -rd '' src; do
    install -Dm644 "$src" "$dst"
  done < <(find Documentation -name '.*' -prune -o ! -type d -print0)

  echo "Adding symlink..."
  mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc"
  ln -sr "$builddir/Documentation" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgbase"

for _p in "${pkgname[@]}"; do
  eval "package_$_p() {
    $(declare -f "_package${_p#$pkgbase}")

# vim:set ts=8 sts=2 sw=2 et:

makepkg -sifc:

==> Making package: linux 6.5.arch1-1 (Fri 01 Sep 2023 04:11:39 PM CEST)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Updating archlinux-linux git repo...
  -> Found config
==> Validating source files with b2sums...
    archlinux-linux ... Skipped
    config ... Passed
==> Verifying source file signatures with gpg...
    archlinux-linux git repo ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Creating working copy of archlinux-linux git repo...
Reset branch 'makepkg'
==> Starting prepare()...
Setting version...
*** Default configuration is based on 'x86_64_defconfig'
# No change to .config
  CLEAN   scripts/basic
  CLEAN   scripts/kconfig
  CLEAN   include/config include/generated .config .config.old
Setting config...
  HOSTCC  scripts/basic/fixdep
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/conf.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/confdata.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/expr.o
  LEX     scripts/kconfig/lexer.lex.c
  YACC    scripts/kconfig/[ch]
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/lexer.lex.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/menu.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/preprocess.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/symbol.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/util.o
  HOSTLD  scripts/kconfig/conf
# No change to .config
using config: '.config'
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 1: ac97_bus: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 2: acpi_tad: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 3: aesni_intel: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 4: af_alg: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 5: algif_aead: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 6: algif_hash: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 7: algif_skcipher: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 8: amdgpu: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 9: amd_pmc: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 10: atkbd: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 11: bluetooth: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 12: bnep: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 13: btbcm: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 14: btintel: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 15: btmtk: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 16: btrtl: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 17: btusb: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 18: cbc: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 19: ccm: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 20: ccp: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 21: cec: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 22: cfg80211: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 23: cmac: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 24: cqhci: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 25: crc16: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 26: crc32c_generic: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 27: crc32c_intel: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 28: crc32_pclmul: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 29: crct10dif_pclmul: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 30: cryptd: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 31: crypto_simd: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 32: crypto_user: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 33: des_generic: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 34: dm_mod: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 35: drm_buddy: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 36: drm_display_helper: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 37: drm_suballoc_helper: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 38: drm_ttm_helper: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 39: ecb: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 40: ecdh_generic: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 41: edac_mce_amd: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 42: fat: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 43: fuse: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 44: gf128mul: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 45: ghash_clmulni_intel: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 46: gpu_sched: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 47: hid_jabra: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 48: hid_multitouch: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 49: hid_sensor_accel_3d: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 50: hid_sensor_custom: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 51: hid_sensor_hub: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 52: hid_sensor_iio_common: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 53: hid_sensor_trigger: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 54: i2c_algo_bit: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 55: i2c_hid: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 56: i2c_hid_acpi: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 57: i2c_piix4: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 58: i8042: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 59: ideapad_laptop: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 60: industrialio: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 61: industrialio_triggered_buffer: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 62: intel_rapl_common: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 63: intel_rapl_msr: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 64: ip_tables: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 65: irqbypass: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 66: joydev: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 67: k10temp: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 68: kfifo_buf: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 69: kvm: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 70: kvm_amd: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 71: ledtrig_audio: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 72: lenovo_ymc: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 73: libarc4: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 74: libcrc32c: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 75: libdes: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 76: libps2: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 77: loop: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 78: mac80211: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 79: mac_hid: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 80: mc: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 81: md4: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 82: mmc_core: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 83: mousedev: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 84: mt76: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 85: mt76_connac_lib: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 86: mt7921_common: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 87: mt7921e: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 88: ntfs3: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 89: nvme: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 90: nvme_common: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 91: nvme_core: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 92: pcspkr: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 93: pkcs8_key_parser: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 94: platform_profile: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 95: polyval_clmulni: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 96: polyval_generic: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 97: rapl: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 98: rfcomm: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 100: roles: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 101: sdhci: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 102: sdhci_pci: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 103: serio: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 104: serio_raw: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 105: sha512_ssse3: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 106: snd: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 107: snd_acp6x_pdm_dma: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 108: snd_acp_config: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 109: snd_acp_pci: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 110: snd_compress: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 111: snd_hda_codec: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 112: snd_hda_codec_generic: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 113: snd_hda_codec_hdmi: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 114: snd_hda_codec_realtek: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 115: snd_hda_core: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 116: snd_hda_intel: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 117: snd_hrtimer: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 118: snd_hwdep: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 119: snd_intel_dspcfg: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 120: snd_intel_sdw_acpi: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 121: snd_pci_acp3x: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 122: snd_pci_acp5x: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 123: snd_pci_acp6x: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 124: snd_pci_ps: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 125: snd_pcm: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 126: snd_pcm_dmaengine: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 127: snd_rawmidi: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 128: snd_rn_pci_acp3x: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 129: snd_rpl_pci_acp6x: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 130: snd_seq: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 131: snd_seq_device: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 132: snd_seq_dummy: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 133: snd_soc_acp6x_mach: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 134: snd_soc_acpi: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 135: snd_soc_core: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 136: snd_soc_dmic: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 137: snd_sof: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 138: snd_sof_amd_acp: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 139: snd_sof_amd_rembrandt: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 140: snd_sof_amd_renoir: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 141: snd_sof_pci: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 142: snd_sof_utils: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 143: snd_sof_xtensa_dsp: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 144: snd_timer: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 145: snd_usb_audio: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 146: snd_usbmidi_lib: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 147: soundcore: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 148: sparse_keymap: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 149: ttm: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 150: typec: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 151: typec_ucsi: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 152: uas: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 153: ucsi_acpi: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 154: usbhid: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 155: usb_storage: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 156: uvc: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 157: uvcvideo: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 158: vfat: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 159: video: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 160: videobuf2_common: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 161: videobuf2_memops: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 162: videobuf2_v4l2: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 163: videobuf2_vmalloc: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 164: videodev: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 165: vivaldi_fmap: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 166: wacom: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 167: wmi: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 168: wmi_bmof: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 169: xfs: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 170: xhci_pci: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 171: xhci_pci_renesas: command not found
/home/janluca/.config/modprobed.db: line 172: x_tables: command not found
ID config not found!!
* Restart config...
* PCI GPIO expanders
AMD 8111 GPIO driver (GPIO_AMD8111) [N/m/y/?] n
BT8XX GPIO abuser (GPIO_BT8XX) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) ^Cmake[2]: *** [scripts/kconfig/Makefile:53: localmodconfig] Interrupt
make[1]: *** [/build/linux/build/linux/src/archlinux-linux/Makefile:705: localmodconfig] Interrupt
make: *** [Makefile:234: __sub-make] Interrupt

when running "make localmodconfig" in the build directory:

using config: '.config'
using config: '.config'
WARNING: MT76_CONNAC_LIB is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_INTEL_DSP_CONFIG is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: VIDEOBUF2_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: ACPI_PLATFORM_PROFILE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: MT76_CONNAC_LIB is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_INTEL_DSP_CONFIG is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: VIDEOBUF2_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: ACPI_PLATFORM_PROFILE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: MT76_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: MT76_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_TTM_HELPER is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_TTM_HELPER is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: IRQ_BYPASS_MANAGER is required, but nothing in the
WARNING: IRQ_BYPASS_MANAGER is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
  current config selects it.
WARNING: MT7921_COMMON is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: MT7921_COMMON is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_SIMD is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_SIMD is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_SCHED is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_SCHED is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SOC_SOF_PCI_DEV is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SOC_SOF_PCI_DEV is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: VIDEOBUF2_MEMOPS is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SOC_SOF is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: VIDEOBUF2_MEMOPS is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SOC_SOF is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_INTEL_SOUNDWIRE_ACPI is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_INTEL_SOUNDWIRE_ACPI is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_LIB_GF128MUL is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_LIB_GF128MUL is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_USER_API is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_SUBALLOC_HELPER is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_USER_API is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_SUBALLOC_HELPER is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SOC_ACPI is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SOC_ACPI is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SOC_SOF_XTENSA is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_POLYVAL is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_BUDDY is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: AC97_BUS is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SOC_SOF_XTENSA is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_POLYVAL is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_BUDDY is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: AC97_BUS is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_LIB_DES is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_LIB_DES is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_TTM is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: INPUT_VIVALDIFMAP is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_TTM is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: INPUT_VIVALDIFMAP is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: NVME_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: NVME_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: IIO_KFIFO_BUF is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: IIO_KFIFO_BUF is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_TIMER is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_TIMER is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_HDA_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_HDA_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: FAT_FS is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: FAT_FS is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SOC_SOF_AMD_COMMON is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SOC_SOF_AMD_COMMON is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_DISPLAY_HELPER is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: DRM_DISPLAY_HELPER is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: UVC_COMMON is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: UVC_COMMON is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: VIDEOBUF2_V4L2 is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: VIDEOBUF2_V4L2 is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: INTEL_RAPL_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: INTEL_RAPL_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SEQ_DEVICE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_SEQ_DEVICE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_LIB_ARC4 is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: CRYPTO_LIB_ARC4 is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_HDA is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: SND_HDA is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: I2C_HID_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
WARNING: I2C_HID_CORE is required, but nothing in the
  current config selects it.
module snd_hda_codec did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HDA
module typec_ucsi did not have configs CONFIG_TYPEC_UCSI
module pkcs8_key_parser did not have configs CONFIG_PKCS8_PRIVATE_KEY_PARSER
module wacom did not have configs CONFIG_HID_WACOM
module polyval_clmulni did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_POLYVAL_CLMUL_NI
module videodev did not have configs CONFIG_VIDEO_DEV
module usbhid did not have configs CONFIG_USB_HID
module intel_rapl_msr did not have configs CONFIG_INTEL_RAPL
module snd_intel_dspcfg did not have configs CONFIG_SND_INTEL_DSP_CONFIG
module snd_sof_amd_acp did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_AMD_COMMON
module ac97_bus did not have configs CONFIG_AC97_BUS
module libdes did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_LIB_DES
module nvme_core did not have configs CONFIG_NVME_CORE
module cfg80211 did not have configs CONFIG_CFG80211
module cqhci did not have configs CONFIG_MMC_CQHCI
module cryptd did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRYPTD
module cmac did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CMAC
module snd_seq_device did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SEQ_DEVICE
module joydev did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_JOYDEV
module snd_hda_codec did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HDA
module typec_ucsi did not have configs CONFIG_TYPEC_UCSI
module pkcs8_key_parser did not have configs CONFIG_PKCS8_PRIVATE_KEY_PARSER
module wacom did not have configs CONFIG_HID_WACOM
module polyval_clmulni did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_POLYVAL_CLMUL_NI
module videodev did not have configs CONFIG_VIDEO_DEV
module usbhid did not have configs CONFIG_USB_HID
module intel_rapl_msr did not have configs CONFIG_INTEL_RAPL
module snd_intel_dspcfg did not have configs CONFIG_SND_INTEL_DSP_CONFIG
module snd_sof_amd_acp did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_AMD_COMMON
module ac97_bus did not have configs CONFIG_AC97_BUS
module libdes did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_LIB_DES
module nvme_core did not have configs CONFIG_NVME_CORE
module cfg80211 did not have configs CONFIG_CFG80211
module cqhci did not have configs CONFIG_MMC_CQHCI
module cryptd did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRYPTD
module cmac did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CMAC
module snd_seq_device did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SEQ_DEVICE
module joydev did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_JOYDEV
module rfcomm did not have configs CONFIG_BT_RFCOMM
module bluetooth did not have configs CONFIG_BT
module videobuf2_common did not have configs CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_CORE
module industrialio_triggered_buffer did not have configs CONFIG_IIO_TRIGGERED_BUFFER
module irqbypass did not have configs CONFIG_IRQ_BYPASS_MANAGER
module snd_sof_xtensa_dsp did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_XTENSA
module mc did not have configs CONFIG_MEDIA_SUPPORT
module loop did not have configs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP
module ecb did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_ECB
module xhci_pci did not have configs CONFIG_USB_XHCI_PCI
module snd_rn_pci_acp3x did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_RENOIR
module rfcomm did not have configs CONFIG_BT_RFCOMM
module bluetooth did not have configs CONFIG_BT
module videobuf2_common did not have configs CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_CORE
module industrialio_triggered_buffer did not have configs CONFIG_IIO_TRIGGERED_BUFFER
module irqbypass did not have configs CONFIG_IRQ_BYPASS_MANAGER
module snd_sof_xtensa_dsp did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_XTENSA
module mc did not have configs CONFIG_MEDIA_SUPPORT
module loop did not have configs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP
module ecb did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_ECB
module xhci_pci did not have configs CONFIG_USB_XHCI_PCI
module snd_rn_pci_acp3x did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_RENOIR
module snd_soc_core did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC
module snd_pci_ps did not have configsmodule snd_soc_core did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC
module snd_pci_ps did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_PS
module rfkill did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_PS
module rfkill did not have configs CONFIG_RFKILL
module videobuf2_vmalloc did not have configs CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_VMALLOC
module videobuf2_vmalloc did not have configs CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_VMALLOC
module sha512_ssse3 did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512_SSSE3
module sha512_ssse3 did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512_SSSE3
module drm_suballoc_helper did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_SUBALLOC_HELPER
module drm_suballoc_helper did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_SUBALLOC_HELPER
module wmi did not have configs CONFIG_ACPI_WMI
module wmi did not have configs CONFIG_ACPI_WMI
module mmc_core did not have configs CONFIG_MMC
module mmc_core did not have configs CONFIG_MMC
module ideapad_laptop did not have configs CONFIG_IDEAPAD_LAPTOP
module kvm_amd did not have configs module ideapad_laptop did not have configs CONFIG_IDEAPAD_LAPTOP
module kvm_amd did not have configs CONFIG_KVM_AMD
module algif_skcipher did not have configsCONFIG_KVM_AMD
module algif_skcipher did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API_SKCIPHER
module btbcm did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API_SKCIPHER
module btbcm did not have configs CONFIG_BT_BCM
module snd_sof did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF
module polyval_generic did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_POLYVALmodule snd_sof did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF
module polyval_generic did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_POLYVAL
module snd_timer did not have configs CONFIG_SND_TIMER

module snd_timer did not have configs CONFIG_SND_TIMER
module ledtrig_audio did not have configs CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_AUDIO
module ledtrig_audio did not have configs CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_AUDIO
module fat did not have configs CONFIG_FAT_FS
module fat did not have configs CONFIG_FAT_FS
module videobuf2_memops did not have configs CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_MEMOPS
module snd_seq_dummy did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SEQ_DUMMYmodule videobuf2_memops did not have configs CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_MEMOPS
module snd_seq_dummy did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SEQ_DUMMY
module snd_acp_config did not have configs CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG

module snd_acp_config did not have configs CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG
module snd_intel_sdw_acpi did not have configs CONFIG_SND_INTEL_SOUNDWIRE_ACPImodule snd_intel_sdw_acpi did not have configs CONFIG_SND_INTEL_SOUNDWIRE_ACPI
module snd_pci_acp3x did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP3x

module snd_pci_acp3x did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP3x
module snd_soc_dmic did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_DMIC
module snd_soc_dmic did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_DMIC
module hid_sensor_accel_3d did not have configs CONFIG_HID_SENSOR_ACCEL_3D
module hid_sensor_accel_3d did not have configs CONFIG_HID_SENSOR_ACCEL_3D
module gf128mul did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_LIB_GF128MUL
module btmtk did not have configs module gf128mul did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_LIB_GF128MUL
module btmtk did not have configs CONFIG_BT_MTK
module cbc did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CBCCONFIG_BT_MTK
module cbc did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CBC
module snd_acp_pci did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP_PCI

module snd_acp_pci did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP_PCI
module libarc4 did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_LIB_ARC4
module libarc4 did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_LIB_ARC4
module nvme_common did not have configs CONFIG_NVME_COMMON
module nvme_common did not have configs CONFIG_NVME_COMMON
module aesni_intel did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_NI_INTEL
module libcrc32c did not have configsmodule aesni_intel did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_NI_INTEL
module libcrc32c did not have configs CONFIG_LIBCRC32C
module libps2 did not have configs  CONFIG_LIBCRC32C
module libps2 did not have configs CONFIG_SERIO_LIBPS2
module soundcore did not have configs CONFIG_SOUND
module soundcore did not have configs CONFIG_SOUND
module edac_mce_amd did not have configs CONFIG_EDAC_DECODE_MCE
module edac_mce_amd did not have configs CONFIG_EDAC_DECODE_MCE
module snd_compress did not have configs CONFIG_SND_COMPRESS_OFFLOAD
module snd_sof_utils did not have configs module snd_compress did not have configs CONFIG_SND_COMPRESS_OFFLOAD
module snd_sof_utils did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF
module md4 did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD4
module md4 did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD4
module snd_sof_amd_renoir did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_AMD_RENOIR
module snd_sof_amd_renoir did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_AMD_RENOIR
module video did not have configs CONFIG_ACPI_VIDEO
module video did not have configs CONFIG_ACPI_VIDEO
module snd_rpl_pci_acp6x did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_RPL_ACP6x
module snd_rpl_pci_acp6x did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_RPL_ACP6x
module snd_hrtimer did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HRTIMER
module snd_hrtimer did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HRTIMER
module hid_sensor_custom did not have configs CONFIG_HID_SENSOR_CUSTOM_SENSOR
module hid_sensor_custom did not have configs CONFIG_HID_SENSOR_CUSTOM_SENSOR
module hid_multitouch did not have configs CONFIG_HID_MULTITOUCH
module intel_rapl_common did not have configs module hid_multitouch did not have configs CONFIG_HID_MULTITOUCH
module intel_rapl_common did not have configs CONFIG_INTEL_RAPL_CORE
module kfifo_buf did not have configs CONFIG_IIO_KFIFO_BUF
module kfifo_buf did not have configs CONFIG_IIO_KFIFO_BUF
module crc32c_intel did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRC32C_INTEL
module crc32c_intel did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRC32C_INTEL
module vfat did not have configs CONFIG_VFAT_FS
module vfat did not have configs CONFIG_VFAT_FS
module snd_hda_codec_generic did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HDA_GENERIC
module snd_hda_codec_generic did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HDA_GENERIC
module snd_hda_core did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HDA_CORE
module snd did not have configsmodule snd_hda_core did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HDA_CORE
module snd did not have configs CONFIG_SND
module nvme did not have configs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NVME
module mt7921e did not have configs CONFIG_MT7921E CONFIG_SND
module nvme did not have configs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NVME
module mt7921e did not have configs CONFIG_MT7921E
module thunderbolt did not have configs CONFIG_USB4

module thunderbolt did not have configs CONFIG_USB4
module snd_hda_codec_hdmi did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HDA_CODEC_HDMI
module snd_hda_codec_hdmi did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HDA_CODEC_HDMI
module sdhci_pci did not have configs CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_PCI
module sdhci_pci did not have configs CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_PCI
module sparse_keymap did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_SPARSEKMAP
module i2c_hid_acpi did not have configsmodule sparse_keymap did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_SPARSEKMAP
module i2c_hid_acpi did not have configs CONFIG_I2C_HID_ACPI
module amdgpu did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU CONFIG_I2C_HID_ACPI
module amdgpu did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU
module uvcvideo did not have configs CONFIG_USB_VIDEO_CLASS
module uvcvideo did not have configs CONFIG_USB_VIDEO_CLASS
module gpu_sched did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_SCHED

module gpu_sched did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_SCHED
module af_alg did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API
module des_generic did not have configsmodule af_alg did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API
module des_generic did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_DES
module crc16 did not have configs CONFIG_CRC16 CONFIG_CRYPTO_DES
module crc16 did not have configs CONFIG_CRC16
module amd_pmc did not have configs CONFIG_AMD_PMC

module amd_pmc did not have configs CONFIG_AMD_PMC
module algif_aead did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API_AEAD
module algif_aead did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API_AEAD
module lenovo_ymc did not have configs CONFIG_LENOVO_YMC
module lenovo_ymc did not have configs CONFIG_LENOVO_YMC
module pcspkr did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_PCSPKR
module pcspkr did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_PCSPKR
module mac80211 did not have configs CONFIG_MAC80211
module videobuf2_v4l2 did not have configs module mac80211 did not have configs CONFIG_MAC80211
module videobuf2_v4l2 did not have configs CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_V4L2
module ghash_clmulni_intel did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_GHASH_CLMUL_NI_INTELCONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_V4L2
module ghash_clmulni_intel did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_GHASH_CLMUL_NI_INTEL
module wmi_bmof did not have configs CONFIG_WMI_BMOF

module wmi_bmof did not have configs CONFIG_WMI_BMOF
module snd_pcm did not have configs CONFIG_SND_PCM
module snd_pcm did not have configs CONFIG_SND_PCM
module k10temp did not have configs CONFIG_SENSORS_K10TEMP
module k10temp did not have configs CONFIG_SENSORS_K10TEMP
module snd_sof_amd_rembrandt did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_AMD_REMBRANDT
module snd_soc_acp6x_mach did not have configs module snd_sof_amd_rembrandt did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_AMD_REMBRANDT
module snd_soc_acp6x_mach did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_YC_MACH
module crypto_simd did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_SIMD
module crypto_simd did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_SIMD
module acpi_tad did not have configs CONFIG_ACPI_TAD
module acpi_tad did not have configs CONFIG_ACPI_TAD
module drm_buddy did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_BUDDY
module drm_buddy did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_BUDDY
module hid_sensor_iio_common did not have configs CONFIG_HID_SENSOR_IIO_COMMON
module mousedev did not have configsmodule hid_sensor_iio_common did not have configs CONFIG_HID_SENSOR_IIO_COMMON
module mousedev did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV
module xhci_pci_renesas did not have configs  CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV
module xhci_pci_renesas did not have configs CONFIG_USB_XHCI_PCI_RENESAS
module xfs did not have configsCONFIG_USB_XHCI_PCI_RENESAS
module xfs did not have configs CONFIG_XFS_FS
module snd_pci_acp6x did not have configs  CONFIG_XFS_FS
module snd_pci_acp6x did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP6x
module snd_seq did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP6x
module snd_seq did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SEQUENCER
module drm_display_helper did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_DISPLAY_HELPER
module btintel did not have configs CONFIG_BT_INTEL
module drm_display_helper did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_DISPLAY_HELPER
module btintel did not have configs CONFIG_BT_INTEL
module snd_sof_pci did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_PCI_DEV
module btrtl did not have configsmodule snd_sof_pci did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_PCI_DEV
module btrtl did not have configs CONFIG_BT_RTL
module ntfs3 did not have configs CONFIG_BT_RTL
module ntfs3 did not have configs CONFIG_NTFS3_FS
module ip_tables did not have configs CONFIG_NTFS3_FS
module ip_tables did not have configs CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES
module crct10dif_pclmul did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRCT10DIF_PCLMUL
module algif_hash did not have configsmodule crct10dif_pclmul did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRCT10DIF_PCLMUL
module algif_hash did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API_HASH
module snd_hda_intel did not have configs  CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API_HASH
module snd_hda_intel did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HDA_INTEL
module snd_pci_acp5x did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP5xCONFIG_SND_HDA_INTEL
module snd_pci_acp5x did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP5x
module vivaldi_fmap did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_VIVALDIFMAP

module vivaldi_fmap did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_VIVALDIFMAP
module mac_hid did not have configs CONFIG_MAC_EMUMOUSEBTN
module mac_hid did not have configs CONFIG_MAC_EMUMOUSEBTN
module sdhci did not have configs CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI
module sdhci did not have configs CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI
module crypto_user did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER
module crypto_user did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER
module btusb did not have configs CONFIG_BT_HCIBTUSB
module snd_acp6x_pdm_dma did not have configsmodule btusb did not have configs CONFIG_BT_HCIBTUSB
module snd_acp6x_pdm_dma did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP6x
module mt7921_common did not have configs CONFIG_MT7921_COMMON CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP6x
module mt7921_common did not have configs CONFIG_MT7921_COMMON
module roles did not have configs
module roles did not have configs CONFIG_USB_ROLE_SWITCH
module i2c_algo_bit did not have configs CONFIG_I2C_ALGOBIT CONFIG_USB_ROLE_SWITCH
module i2c_algo_bit did not have configs CONFIG_I2C_ALGOBIT
module bnep did not have configs CONFIG_BT_BNEP

module bnep did not have configs CONFIG_BT_BNEP
module mt76 did not have configs CONFIG_MT76_CORE
module mt76 did not have configs CONFIG_MT76_CORE
module x_tables did not have configs CONFIG_NETFILTER_XTABLES
module snd_pcm_dmaengine did not have configs CONFIG_SND_DMAENGINE_PCMmodule x_tables did not have configs CONFIG_NETFILTER_XTABLES
module snd_pcm_dmaengine did not have configs CONFIG_SND_DMAENGINE_PCM
module ccp did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_CCP_DD

module ccp did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_CCP_DD
module atkbd did not have configs CONFIG_KEYBOARD_ATKBD
module atkbd did not have configs CONFIG_KEYBOARD_ATKBD
module hid_sensor_hub did not have configs CONFIG_HID_SENSOR_HUB
module snd_hda_codec_realtek did not have configsmodule hid_sensor_hub did not have configs CONFIG_HID_SENSOR_HUB
module snd_hda_codec_realtek did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HDA_CODEC_REALTEK
module fuse did not have configs  CONFIG_SND_HDA_CODEC_REALTEK
module fuse did not have configs CONFIG_FUSE_FS
module crc32_pclmul did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRC32_PCLMULCONFIG_FUSE_FS
module crc32_pclmul did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRC32_PCLMUL
module serio did not have configs CONFIG_SERIO
module serio did not have configs CONFIG_SERIO
module i2c_hid did not have configs CONFIG_I2C_HID_CORE

module i2c_hid did not have configs CONFIG_I2C_HID_CORE
module typec did not have configs CONFIG_TYPEC
module typec did not have configs CONFIG_TYPEC
module drm_ttm_helper did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_TTM_HELPER
module drm_ttm_helper did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_TTM_HELPER
module platform_profile did not have configs CONFIG_ACPI_PLATFORM_PROFILE
module ccm did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CCM
module mt76_connac_lib did not have configs CONFIG_MT76_CONNAC_LIB
module hid_sensor_trigger did not have configs CONFIG_HID_SENSOR_IIO_TRIGGER
module uvc did not have configs CONFIG_UVC_COMMON
module snd_hwdep did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HWDEP
module serio_raw did not have configs module platform_profile did not have configs CONFIG_ACPI_PLATFORM_PROFILE
module ccm did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CCM
module mt76_connac_lib did not have configs CONFIG_MT76_CONNAC_LIB
module hid_sensor_trigger did not have configs CONFIG_HID_SENSOR_IIO_TRIGGER
module uvc did not have configs CONFIG_UVC_COMMON
module snd_hwdep did not have configs CONFIG_SND_HWDEP
module serio_raw did not have configs CONFIG_SERIO_RAW
module ucsi_acpi did not have configs CONFIG_UCSI_ACPI
module crc32c_generic did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRC32C
module ucsi_acpi did not have configs CONFIG_UCSI_ACPI
module crc32c_generic did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRC32C
module snd_soc_acpi did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_ACPI
module industrialio did not have configs CONFIG_IIO
module rapl did not have configs CONFIG_PERF_EVENTS_INTEL_RAPL
module snd_soc_acpi did not have configs CONFIG_SND_SOC_ACPI
module industrialio did not have configs CONFIG_IIO
module rapl did not have configs CONFIG_PERF_EVENTS_INTEL_RAPL
module ecdh_generic did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_ECDH
module dm_mod did not have configs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DM
module i8042 did not have configs CONFIG_SERIO_I8042
module ecdh_generic did not have configs CONFIG_CRYPTO_ECDH
module dm_mod did not have configs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DM
module i8042 did not have configs CONFIG_SERIO_I8042
module ttm did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_TTM
module i2c_piix4 did not have configs CONFIG_I2C_PIIX4
module ttm did not have configs CONFIG_DRM_TTM
module i2c_piix4 did not have configs CONFIG_I2C_PIIX4

my modprobed.db:


It also happens on linux-libre and on >6.4.10, but didn't happen with <6.4.8 (I didn't try in between because i had a kernel regression disabling my internal keyboard)
uname -a

Linux ArchLinux 6.4.12-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 24 Aug 2023 00:38:14 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Am I doing something wrong or is this upstream?

Last edited by jl2 (2023-09-03 07:18:02)

Why I run Arch? To "BTW I run Arch" the guy one grade younger.
And to let my siblings and cousins laugh at Arsch Linux...


#2 2023-09-01 17:30:31

Registered: 2023-08-29
Posts: 6

Re: [SOLVED] make localmodconfig broken

I've personally never used to ABS to compile custom kernels and always did it the traditional way, but try putting


into quotes like this



#3 2023-09-03 07:17:46

From: 47° 18' N 8° 34' E
Registered: 2022-06-01
Posts: 461

Re: [SOLVED] make localmodconfig broken

I found the culprit after experimenting with the archives from
running 'make olddefconfig' or 'make defconfig' before causes the error to appear.
otherwise it even works with the default arch config, meaning I'll just drop the line.

Why I run Arch? To "BTW I run Arch" the guy one grade younger.
And to let my siblings and cousins laugh at Arsch Linux...


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