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I have problemms with my old, radeon 9200 card. I've installed beyond kernel with fglrx-utils and ati-fglrx-beyond. Then put fglrx into modules and reboot. X works but no DR. So I've removed beyond kernel, ati-fglrx-beyond and compile my own. Now I can't even run X
Here's some logs:
X log :
ati-fglrx PKGBUILD:
xorg.conf :
The last I heard (and its been awhile, so someone correct me if I'm wrong), the proprietary fglrx module no longer supported the 9200. I have a 9200 as well, and dri works just fine with the xorg driver. xf86-video-ati, I believe is the package.
Hi. I'm a sig. What are you?
New ati drivers doesn't support radeon 9200 and some other older cards. I tried ver. 8.24.8 of their drivers (on kernel 2.6.16), but it was quite unstable (perhaps i should change some params in xorg.conf?). I think that 8.24.8 is the last version that supports radeon 9200.
Now I'm using stock driver "radeon" and everything seems to be ok (even AIGLX works fine)
I've just gave up
Can't install it, maybe some day I'll try once more...
I've just gave up
Can't install it, maybe some day I'll try once more...
Gave up with fglrx? You don't want ati-fglrx for your card, it won't work.
As previous people have said, you want the xf86-video-ati and libgl-dri packages, then in xorg.conf use the 'radeon' video driver, not 'fglrx'
Ok, so I've installed xf86-video-ati and libgl-dri, changed fglrx to radeon in xorg.conf. X works but still no DR. Probably I'm soing something wrong. Does kernel26beyond support those drivers (I'm also using my own, but no idea if it's good)
ET is running but can't play with such textures
Did you remove the fglrx kernel module?
rmmod fglrx
- if that kernel module's still loaded it may cause some problems.
Yes, and I'm loading radeon.
By "no DR" I assume you mean no DRI? That's possible, since the kernel DRM drivers aren't the most current. I wrote a few packagebuilds for my sisters laptop, you could try those.
Be sure to compile your kernel without DRI enabled first though. … hans=&SeB= … hans=&SeB= … hans=&SeB=
Last edited by Valheru (2007-01-31 14:53:08)
do you mean compile kernel without DRM enabled? And are there any noticeable advantages in compiling things from git (like performance, just wondering...)?
If not, Husio might be better off using the stock open source drivers.
I have a radeon mobility 9700 and things work nice with the xf86-video-ati and libgl-dri packages. It seems to me that this problem is a configuration problem in the xorg.conf file.
Maybe you should post it, Husio. Here is the relevant section of my config:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard0"
Driver "ati"
Option "NoAccel" "off"
Option "AccelMethod" "xaa" # could be "xaa" or "exa"
Option "AccelDFS" "off" # for exa: on
Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"
Option "AGPMode" "8"
Option "AGPFastWrite" "off"
Option "GARTSize" "64" #this is the maximum size, change if your RAM is small
Option "EnablePageFlip" "on"
Option "ColorTiling" "1"
Option "backingstore" "on"
Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS" # could be "LVDS,CRT"
BusID "PCI:1:5:0"
Screen 0
For people wondering: driver 'ati' automatically selects the correct driver.
Of course, don't forget
Section "Module"
# This loads the GLX module
Load "dri" # libdri.a
Load "glx" # libglx.a
# **********************************************************************
# DRI Section
# **********************************************************************
Section "dri"
Mode 0666
Last edited by Blind (2007-01-31 17:21:00)
Well, the DRI/DRM code in the kernel tends to lag quite a bit behind, so compiling it from GIT can help a lot in certain cases. Itś a bit of a hit and miss affair, but at least on my sisters laptop and on my girlfriends laptop (VIA unichrome) it got the cards working when the in-kernel driver failed to initialize DRI. YMMV
Oh well - thanks for the PKGBUILDs
I guess I would like to have one for xf86-video-ati-git
Might try that later when I have the time.
PS: BTW, you only need to compile the kernel DRM things as modules - and after installing run a depmod -a, right?
Last edited by Blind (2007-02-01 20:43:47)
Pages: 1