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#1 2023-10-01 23:57:25

Registered: 2023-02-01
Posts: 33

[SOLVED] Darktable rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics error messag

I'll copy the whole output in code tags in a moment. Introducing the two problems (as I see them anyway) first.

The output is reporting a missing library file,      3.3601 [lib_load_module] failed to open `midi': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory and I can't find it either. That is on the end of the status at the beginning of the whole output, which is the firsts excerpt.
Then there are a few lines which talk about hidden entries and I don't know what to do about it, change permissions or should they be hidden? These are in the second excerpt.
The third and final excerpt, which runs to the end of the file, offers some advice which I don't know how to follow. Some pointers would be helpful but I could probably work that part out given time.

I've had problems running darktable for months but now I've cleared out all the ROCM stuff and narrowed it all down to the OpenCL (see the GPGU wiki page and forum topic plus my own earlier thread at

Whilst making all the changes means I'll have to import all the image files again, that's as nothing compared to the hanging and time consumption of the past. The software simply flies now. I haven't tried anything complicated yet but it feels excellent at first opening. Looking at the command outputs and experiencing the darktable response times in use OpenCL seems to be working but I'd like to sort out these other errors too, if somebody would be so kind as to give me some pointers as to how..
At best they will be tedious to live with. Worse, will they cause further problems over time?

[gomi@mingus ~]$ RUSTICL_ENABLE=radeonsi darktable -d opencl
     0.0373 [dt_get_sysresource_level] switched to 1 as `default'
     0.0373   total mem:       31438MB
     0.0373   mipmap cache:    3929MB
     0.0373   available mem:   15719MB
     0.0373   singlebuff:      245MB
     0.0373   OpenCL tune mem: OFF
     0.0373   OpenCL pinned:   OFF
[opencl_init] opencl related configuration options:
[opencl_init] opencl: ON
[opencl_init] opencl_scheduling_profile: 'default'
[opencl_init] opencl_library: 'default path'
[opencl_init] opencl_device_priority: '*/!0,*/*/*/!0,*'
[opencl_init] opencl_mandatory_timeout: 400
[opencl_init] opencl library 'libOpenCL' found on your system and loaded
[opencl_init] found 1 platform
[opencl_init] found 1 device

   DEVICE:                   0: 'AMD Radeon Graphics (renoir, LLVM 16.0.6, DRM 3.54, 6.5.5-arch1-1)', NEW
   PLATFORM NAME & VENDOR:   rusticl, Mesa/
   CANONICAL NAME:           rusticlamdradeongraphics
   DRIVER VERSION:           23.2.1-arch1.1
   DEVICE VERSION:           OpenCL 3.0 
   DEVICE_TYPE:              GPU
   GLOBAL MEM SIZE:          15719 MB
   MAX MEM ALLOC:            2048 MB
   MAX IMAGE SIZE:           16384 x 16384
   MAX WORK GROUP SIZE:      1024
   MAX WORK ITEM SIZES:      [ 1024 1024 1024 ]
   MEMORY TUNING:            NO
   FORCED HEADROOM:          400
   AVOID ATOMICS:            NO
   MICRO NAP:                250
   ROUNDUP WIDTH:            16
   ROUNDUP HEIGHT:           16
   TILING ADVANTAGE:         0.000
   DEFAULT DEVICE:           NO
   KERNEL BUILD DIRECTORY:   /usr/share/darktable/kernels
   KERNEL DIRECTORY:         /home/gomi/.cache/darktable/cached_v1_kernels_for_rusticlAMDRadeonGraphics_2321arch11
   CL COMPILER OPTION:       -cl-fast-relaxed-math
   KERNEL LOADING TIME:       1.0037 sec
[opencl_init] OpenCL successfully initialized. Internal numbers and names of available devices:
[opencl_init]		0	'rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics'
[opencl_init] FINALLY: opencl is AVAILABLE and ENABLED.
[opencl_init] set scheduling profile to default.
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] these are your device priorities:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 		image	preview	export	thumbs	preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities]		0	-1	0	0	-1
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] show if opencl use is mandatory for a given pixelpipe:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 		image	preview	export	thumbs	preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities]		0	0	0	0	0
[opencl_synchronization_timeout] synchronization timeout set to 200
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] these are your device priorities:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 		image	preview	export	thumbs	preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities]		0	-1	0	0	-1
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] show if opencl use is mandatory for a given pixelpipe:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 		image	preview	export	thumbs	preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities]		0	0	0	0	0
[opencl_synchronization_timeout] synchronization timeout set to 200
     3.3601 [lib_load_module] failed to open `midi': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 

Next there are a few lines repeated over and again so I have cut that down to just a few iterations.

(darktable:141669): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 00:09:02.000: GFileInfo created without standard::is-hidden

(darktable:141669): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 00:09:02.000: file ../glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1633 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached

(darktable:141669): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 00:09:02.000: GFileInfo created without standard::is-hidden

(darktable:141669): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 00:09:02.000: file ../glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1633 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached

(darktable:141669): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 00:09:02.000: GFileInfo created without standard::is-hidden

(darktable:141669): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 00:09:02.000: file ../glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1633 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached

(darktable:141669): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 00:09:02.000: GFileInfo created without standard::is-hidden

(darktable:141669): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 00:09:02.000: file ../glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1633 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached

(darktable:141669): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 00:09:02.000: GFileInfo created without standard::is-hidden

(darktable:141669): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 00:09:02.000: file ../glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1633 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached 

Finally, the entry signs off thus:

 (darktable:141669): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 00:09:26.829: file ../glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1633 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached
   100.8060 [dt_opencl_check_tuning] use 10472MB (tunemem=OFF, pinning=OFF) on device `rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics' id=0
 [opencl_summary_statistics] device 'rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics' (0): 573 out of 574 events were successful and 0 events lost. max event=147 

Last edited by gomi (2023-10-18 20:08:58)


#2 2023-10-02 10:55:13

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,125

Re: [SOLVED] Darktable rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics error messag

     3.3601 [lib_load_module] failed to open `midi': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 
$ pacman -F
extra/portmidi 1:2.0.4-1

portmidid is listed as an optional dependency for DT, but if DT links to it it may need to be a hard dependency.
install portmidi if you want to get rid of the error.

No idea about the "g_file_info_get_is_hidden" , sorry.

Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2023-10-02 10:55:32)

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#3 2023-10-02 11:37:35

Registered: 2023-02-01
Posts: 33

Re: [SOLVED] Darktable rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics error messag

Shut the machine down last night and restarted it this morning. Starting DT produced a completely different response. DT started and worked but without OpenCL. Here is the output:

 gomi@mingus ~]$ darktable -d opencl
     1.2853 [dt_get_sysresource_level] switched to 1 as `default'
     1.2853   total mem:       31438MB
     1.2853   mipmap cache:    3929MB
     1.2853   available mem:   15719MB
     1.2853   singlebuff:      245MB
     1.2853   OpenCL tune mem: OFF
     1.2853   OpenCL pinned:   OFF
[opencl_init] opencl related configuration options:
[opencl_init] opencl: ON
[opencl_init] opencl_scheduling_profile: 'default'
[opencl_init] opencl_library: 'default path'
[opencl_init] opencl_device_priority: '*/!0,*/*/*/!0,*'
[opencl_init] opencl_mandatory_timeout: 400
[opencl_init] opencl library 'libOpenCL' found on your system and loaded
[opencl_init] found 1 platform
[opencl_init] no devices found for Mesa/ (vendor) - rusticl (name)
[opencl_init] found 0 device
[opencl_init] FINALLY: opencl is NOT AVAILABLE and NOT ENABLED.
     5.5245 [lib_load_module] failed to open `midi': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 

DT works OK. It still hangs sometimes when importing "filmrolls" as it calls image directories, but otherwise without a hitch.


#4 2023-10-02 11:43:14

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,125

Re: [SOLVED] Darktable rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics error messag

You forgot to add RUSTICL_ENABLE=radeonsi .
Maybe export it in your ~/.bashrc ( or equivalent if you use another shell ) so it gets set upon login* ?

At some point in the not-to-far future rusticl will be considered mature enough by mesa devs to be enabled by default.

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#5 2023-10-02 11:55:21

Registered: 2023-02-01
Posts: 33

Re: [SOLVED] Darktable rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics error messag

Thanks for the reply @Lone_Wolf. I'd noted that portmidi is an optional, which is what was confusing me. Installing it has indeed got rid of the error.

But OpenCL is stil not working, as in my post above which I must have beensorting out at the same time as yuo were replying.

The question comes down to how to fix, or where to look for information about how to fix,

 [opencl_init] opencl library 'libOpenCL' found on your system and loaded
[opencl_init] found 1 platform
[opencl_init] no devices found for Mesa/ (vendor) - rusticl (name)
[opencl_init] found 0 device
[opencl_init] FINALLY: opencl is NOT AVAILABLE and NOT ENABLED. 

libOpenCL exists - should I be relying upon this as the correct driver and uninstalling rusticl? Or swapping rusticl for something elxse? clover appears to be for older GPUs than mine.

Just looking into Mesa/ and what is meant in this context by the word vendor. I'll report back when I find something worthwhile.

<edit> Thanks again @Lone_Wolf. I had assumed that having added that prefix once it would happen automatically. The way to go! add it each time. Yes, I'd read that it isn't yet ready for full inclusion.</edit>

Last edited by gomi (2023-10-02 11:58:48)


#6 2023-10-02 12:02:00

Registered: 2023-02-01
Posts: 33

Re: [SOLVED] Darktable rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics error messag

Wonderful! All working nicely. Thanks again.

P.S. the "g_file_info_get_is_hidden" was cleared by the effective reboot, i.e. shutting the system down overnight.

Last edited by gomi (2023-10-02 12:06:30)


#7 2023-10-03 09:30:35

Registered: 2023-02-01
Posts: 33

Re: [SOLVED] Darktable rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics error messag

Oh dear. It is not fixed at all. Not even a workaround. All the problems are back. Even using the --disable-opencl flag. I've spent too much time on trying to keep this software running and not enough time processing images over the past several months. Now looking for a new raw processing app to work on Arch with an AMD GPU.

I've removed the [SOLVED/WORKAROUND] from the topic title because it would be wrong and inaccurate to leave it there.

Last edited by gomi (2023-10-03 09:33:14)


#8 2023-10-03 12:16:18

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,559

Re: [SOLVED] Darktable rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics error messag

Most of those will likely want to use OpenCL as well. Are you dead set on rusticl? O wait I see a vega card, afaik you are pretty much SoL here since all the ROCM developments do not support those. Have you tested from the AUR?


#9 2023-10-03 22:57:06

Registered: 2023-02-01
Posts: 33

Re: [SOLVED] Darktable rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics error messag

Thank you for your response @V1del. Yes, searching around brings me to the same conclusion. It turns out the problem is mainly with AMD GPUs handling of OpenCL, now used in so many "creative" (the in word for artistic use) applications. Something of a klutz.

I've already cleared out all ROCM packages prior to installing rusticl. It (rusticl) was a suggested idea. I am far from set on it. Next step, I think, is to try either one of the AUR packages, most likely the one you mentioned, or one of the ideas from the darktable devs active on who at last have stepped in with comments on threads I have raised.

IMHO it is at the end of the day an AMD klutz. They are not picking up the baton in spite of their declared support for OS and FOSS. They reinforce my opinion of boardrooms in general and monolithic entities in particular. ;-)


#10 2023-10-04 07:31:55

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,125

Re: [SOLVED] Darktable rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics error messag

To be fair, ROCM does work fine for many cards.
unfortunately (for desktop users) ROCm focuses on CDNA cards that are for mainly used in computing and has little support for RDNA consumer cards that are mainly used as videocards.

Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2023-10-04 07:32:14)

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#11 2023-10-18 11:07:48

Registered: 2023-02-01
Posts: 33

Re: [SOLVED] Darktable rusticl AMD Radeon Graphics error messag

Progress. But DT is now excruciatingly slow.

I took V1del's advice and installed the AUR package opencl-amd. No faults shown on opening and clinfo -l gives a sensible response:

 [gomi@mingus ~]$ clinfo -l
Platform #0: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
 `-- Device #0: gfx90c:xnack- 
 [gomi@mingus ~]$ darktable -d opencl
     1.3996 [dt_get_sysresource_level] switched to 1 as `default'
     1.3997   total mem:       31438MB
     1.3997   mipmap cache:    3929MB
     1.3997   available mem:   15719MB
     1.3997   singlebuff:      245MB
     1.3997   OpenCL tune mem: OFF
     1.3997   OpenCL pinned:   OFF
[opencl_init] opencl related configuration options:
[opencl_init] opencl: ON
[opencl_init] opencl_scheduling_profile: 'default'
[opencl_init] opencl_library: 'default path'
[opencl_init] opencl_device_priority: '*/!0,*/*/*/!0,*'
[opencl_init] opencl_mandatory_timeout: 400
[opencl_init] opencl library 'libOpenCL' found on your system and loaded
[opencl_init] found 1 platform
[opencl_init] found 1 device

   DEVICE:                   0: 'gfx90c:xnack-'
   PLATFORM NAME & VENDOR:   AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
   CANONICAL NAME:           amdacceleratedparallelprocessinggfx90cxnack
   DRIVER VERSION:           3590.0 (HSA1.1,LC)
   DEVICE VERSION:           OpenCL 2.0 
   DEVICE_TYPE:              GPU
   GLOBAL MEM SIZE:          512 MB
   MAX MEM ALLOC:            384 MB
   MAX IMAGE SIZE:           16384 x 16384
   MAX WORK GROUP SIZE:      256
   MAX WORK ITEM SIZES:      [ 1024 1024 1024 ]
   MEMORY TUNING:            NO
   FORCED HEADROOM:          400
   AVOID ATOMICS:            NO
   MICRO NAP:                250
   ROUNDUP WIDTH:            16
   ROUNDUP HEIGHT:           16
   PERFORMANCE:              0.584
   TILING ADVANTAGE:         0.000
   DEFAULT DEVICE:           NO
   KERNEL BUILD DIRECTORY:   /usr/share/darktable/kernels
   KERNEL DIRECTORY:         /home/gomi/.cache/darktable/cached_v1_kernels_for_AMDAcceleratedParallelProcessinggfx90cxnack_35900HSA11LC
   CL COMPILER OPTION:       -cl-fast-relaxed-math
   KERNEL LOADING TIME:       0.1339 sec
[opencl_init] OpenCL successfully initialized. Internal numbers and names of available devices:
[opencl_init]		0	'AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing gfx90c:xnack-'
[opencl_init] FINALLY: opencl is AVAILABLE and ENABLED.
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] these are your device priorities:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 		image	preview	export	thumbs	preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities]		0	-1	0	0	-1
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] show if opencl use is mandatory for a given pixelpipe:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 		image	preview	export	thumbs	preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities]		0	0	0	0	0
[opencl_synchronization_timeout] synchronization timeout set to 200
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] these are your device priorities:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 		image	preview	export	thumbs	preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities]		0	-1	0	0	-1
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] show if opencl use is mandatory for a given pixelpipe:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 		image	preview	export	thumbs	preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities]		0	0	0	0	0
[opencl_synchronization_timeout] synchronization timeout set to 200
    13.6495 [dt_opencl_check_tuning] use 256MB (tunemem=OFF, pinning=OFF) on device `AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing gfx90c:xnack-' id=0
   123.1824 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0) 1643x1095 scale=0.2710 --> (   0/   0) 1643x1095 scale=0.2710 cl input data to host
   173.1162 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0) 1643x1095 scale=0.2710 --> (   0/   0) 1643x1095 scale=0.2710 cl input data to host
   177.7664 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0) 1643x1095 scale=0.2710 --> (   0/   0) 1643x1095 scale=0.2710 cl input data to host
   179.4202 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0) 1643x1095 scale=0.2710 --> (   0/   0) 1643x1095 scale=0.2710 cl input data to host
   181.6198 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0) 1643x1095 scale=0.2710 --> (   0/   0) 1643x1095 scale=0.2710 cl input data to host
   188.2688 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  892x1095 scale=0.5310 --> (   0/   0)  892x1095 scale=0.5310 cl input data to host
   210.3422 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  729x1095 scale=0.1806 --> (   0/   0)  729x1095 scale=0.1806 cl input data to host
   256.1169 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  729x1095 scale=0.1806 --> (   0/   0)  729x1095 scale=0.1806 cl input data to host
   314.3133 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   314.3800 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   318.9404 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   318.9807 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   320.9756 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   321.0165 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   326.9565 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   327.4645 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   327.8155 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   327.9188 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   327.9974 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   328.0986 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   328.1448 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   328.2534 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   328.2879 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   328.4661 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   328.5028 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   328.6063 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   328.6420 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   329.1527 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   329.8008 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   330.3096 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   331.4882 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   331.7105 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   331.7456 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   332.2623 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   334.1976 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   334.2844 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   334.3190 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         exposure               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   334.4091 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   388.3110 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   388.7427 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   388.9300 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   389.1488 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   389.3602 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   389.5816 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   389.7809 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   389.9843 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   390.2056 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   403.9018 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   404.1046 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   404.5423 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   405.4624 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   405.6596 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   419.3222 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   424.0153 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   426.5992 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   431.1621 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   433.8756 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   441.3563 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   444.5392 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   450.5169 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   454.0769 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   456.6198 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   459.5323 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   465.2091 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 --> (   0/   0)  744x1095 scale=0.1776 cl input data to host
   502.0770 [pixelpipe_process_CL]       [full]         colorout               (   0/   0)  880x1095 scale=0.2335 --> (   0/   0)  880x1095 scale=0.2335 cl input data to host
 [opencl_summary_statistics] device 'AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing gfx90c:xnack-' (0): 4700 out of 4700 events were successful and 0 events lost. max event=280 

Does this look clean? Am I correct in thinking a trawl through the DT settings with a few tweaks is likely to put everything to rights?

DT is only used for processing stills. I may at some point test my latent skills at video, if any, but that won't be for a while. More likely to start using Blender in the shorter term but am given to understand that is a separate set of drivers.

I'd love to be comfortable in writing [SOLVED] at the top so others may be able to glean something out of this thread.

<edit> Tweaking a few settings in "darktable preferences  > processing > CPU / GPU / memory" did the trick. It seems exact settings to use depends upon hardware and what the user is doing. Setting "darktable resources" to default (from small) worked for me. I'm still playing with the other settings to see what difference they make, but DT is now flying. 

Thanks all. Marking as "[SOLVED] now.

Last edited by gomi (2023-10-18 20:08:23)


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