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#1 2023-10-21 01:23:59

Registered: 2019-10-26
Posts: 3

Is using UEFI netboot on a virtualbox machine possible?

I want to mess around archlinux in a virtual machine. Usually I would download the latest archiso, attach it to the VM and boot into the Live Image and go from there.
But this time, I want to explore how to do this using netboot. Did anyone manage to install archlinux via netbooting on a VirtualMachine? Possibly using UEFI?

What I tried so far:

  • created a raw virtual disk image (with a single FAT32 formatted, MBR partition)

  • copied the ipxe-arch.efi file (from this link) to the newly created partition

  • converted disk image to .vmdk

  • booted into UEFI shell and executed the .efi

  • gets stuck at "iPXE initialising devices..."

Am I attempting something that is not really supported? Or going into the right direction? What else can I try?


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