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Code is open-sourced, all links are in … ILD?h=aurc
# Maintainer: Statulr <>
# Contributor: Echo J. <aidas957 at gmail dot com>
pkgdesc="Fast Easy way to Install and Update Aur and Non-Aur Arch Linux Packages!"
arch=('i686' 'pentium4' 'x86_64' 'arm' 'armv7h' 'armv6h' 'aarch64' 'riscv64')
'sudo: privilege elevation'
'doas: privilege elevation'
sha256sums=('565c091a962032a7affef32cc779260fb4ec0ae4ef800666b09e8e5840010c35') # needs to update the sha256sum for every git archive ${pkgver} tarball from ${source}
build() {
cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}/src
make build
package() {
cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}/src
mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin # Workaround a Makefile bug
DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" PREFIX="/usr" make install
install -Dm644 ../LICENSE "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/"${pkgname}"/LICENSE
AUR helpers that don't restrict themselves to managing aur are not very popular on this forum, and the upstream doesn't improve things.
From a technical viewpoint the pkgbuild does seem to comply with archlinux packaging standards.
arch=('i686' 'pentium4' 'x86_64' 'arm' 'armv7h' 'armv6h' 'aarch64' 'riscv64')
I'm not aware of riscv64 or pentium4 archlinux variant, are you sure this will work on all those architectures ?
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
Updated, I appreciate the feedback Lone_Wolf, I thought something felt off ?
AUR helpers that don't restrict themselves to managing aur are not very popular on this forum, and the upstream doesn't improve things
Hi, I was wondering what you mean by the upstream doesn't improve things.
Alongside, would you like it to just have AUR functionality?
The fact that it appears to say that yay is the AUR is a MASSIVE red flag.
Wdym? + I am now gonna make it just AUR
( I take that back after further discussion with another person I will keep non-aur functionality, it will just be swapped around )
oh I get what you mean scimmia fixed
I dislike software names that don't match the functionality a lot .
Your project is called Aur Companion .
on the todo list you have 'Ability to Modify Arch Mirrorlist'
mirrors are maintained in pacman.conf and have very little to do with AUR.
From the usage list
refresh - ( Refresh Repository Database ) - pacman territory
github - ( Opens GitHub ) not related to archlinux, pacman , or aur
query - ( Query if a package is installed ) substitute for pacman -Q I guess ?
The remove options in the usage list all read as things done by pacman .
If I had to describe the project I'd use something like this : "pacman wrapper with aur support and a few extras to make maintenance of archlinux systems easier"
There's a dutch saying "De vlag dekt de lading niet" that describes my feeling about this.
It's idiom so not easy to translate but "sailing under false flag" and "It doesn't actually do what it says on the tin" have a similar meaning.
Note that if you changed the name / description I would still have issues with the project, but atleast it would reflect the purpose of the project.
Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2023-12-10 10:56:20)
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
I am changing it to be a pacman wrapper with aur functionality as suggested by someone rn, so keybinds will be the same in the new update, those commands do use pacman yes
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