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#1 2007-01-23 04:29:01

From: Intergalactic Spaces
Registered: 2006-10-12
Posts: 517

Recent update not working

i did "pacman -Syu" after synching the repos, it says

libxfce4util conflicts wth libxfce4util-svn. Remove libxfce4util-svn? [Y/n] n
error: package conflicts detected

I have xfce4-svn NOT xfce4. So, I shall not remove libxfce4util-svn, right? Any answers.


#2 2007-01-23 05:34:22

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: Recent update not working

It depends what you want to use. If you want to use the stable xfce4 from extra, remove all the xfce4-svn packages and install xfce4. If not, you should find out why pacman wants to install the xfce4 packages. Maybe there is some dependancy problem like a package that depends on libxfce4util.  Post the full pacman output.


#3 2007-01-23 08:38:13

From: In My Mind
Registered: 2006-06-09
Posts: 535

Re: Recent update not working

the stable xfce pkg in the repos are that of xfce 4.4 , released on Sunday ... it is effectively the stable of the svn release, so it's worthwhile replacing the svn with it, at least for a lil while.

The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!


#4 2007-01-23 18:38:38

From: Intergalactic Spaces
Registered: 2006-10-12
Posts: 517

Re: Recent update not working

The full pacman output is here:

[shantanu@bluehead ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu   
:: Synchronizing package databases... 
:: current is up to date
:: extra is up to date
:: unstable is up to date
 community                [################] 100%     155K     5.6K/s  00:00:27
:: libxfce4util conflicts with libxfce4util-svn. Remove libxfce4util-svn? [Y/n]                                                                n

error: package conflicts detected

[shantanu@bluehead ~]$ [shantanu@bluehead ~]$

@noriko, i agree with you that xfce 4.4 is same as xfce svn at the moment, but in a few weeks that would change and again I might be left with some broken dependencies, etc.


#5 2007-01-24 04:57:29

From: Intergalactic Spaces
Registered: 2006-10-12
Posts: 517

Re: Recent update not working

I accepted the changes suggested by pacman, i.e., libxfce4util-svn replaced by libxfce4util and exo-svn removed by exo. Here is what h0appened:

[shantanu@bluehead ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu                                                                                                        Password:
:: Synchronizing package databases... 
:: current is up to date
 extra                    [################] 100%     275K     5.2K/s  00:00:52
 unstable                 [################] 100%      13K     3.6K/s  00:00:03
:: community is up to date
:: libxfce4util conflicts with libxfce4util-svn. Remove libxfce4util-svn? [Y/n]                                                                y
:: exo conflicts with exo-svn. Remove exo-svn? [Y/n] y

Remove:  libxfce4util-svn exo-svn

Targets: kde-common-3.5.6-1 arts-1.5.6-1 atk-1.13.2-1 faad2-2.5-2 gail-1.10.1-2
         glib2-2.12.9-1 gnome-icon-theme-2.17.5-1 gnome-mime-data-2.4.3-1
         gnucash-2.0.4-4 grub-0.97-7 initscripts-0.8-5 kdelibs-3.5.6-1
         kernel26ck- lcms-1.16-1 libgtop-2.14.6-1 libidn-0.6.10-1
         libldap-2.3.33-1 libxaw-1.0.3-1 libxml2-2.6.27-1 libxslt-1.1.20-1
         mkinitcpio-0.5.13-1 orbit2-2.14.5-1 perl-xml-simple-2.16-1 udev-104-2
         libxfce4util-4.4.0-1 exo-0.3.2-1 xarchiver-0.4.6-2
         xf86-video-i810-1.7.4-1 xorg-fonts-encodings-1.0.2-1

Total Package Size:   61.1 MB

Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] y

:: Retrieving packages from extra...
 gail-1.10.1-2            [################] 100%     279K     4.5K/s  00:01:01
 gnome-mime-data-2.4.3-1  [################] 100%     704K     6.9K/s  00:01:42
^[[B orbit2-2.14.5-1          [#############   ]  83%     446K     8.9K/s  00:00                                                                orbit2-2.14.5-1          [################] 100%     537K     7.4K/s  00:01:12
 libxfce4util-4.4.0-1     [################] 100%      75K     5.6K/s  00:00:13
 exo-0.3.2-1              [################] 100%     830K     5.8K/s  00:02:23
 xarchiver-0.4.6-2        [################] 100%     364K     6.9K/s  00:00:52

:: Retrieving packages from current...
 atk-1.13.2-1             [################] 100%     212K     6.2K/s  00:00:34
 faad2-2.5-2              [################] 100%     361K     4.2K/s  00:01:26
 grub-0.97-7              [################] 100%     220K     5.6K/s  00:00:39
 libldap-2.3.33-1         [################] 100%     585K     7.0K/s  00:01:24
 mkinitcpio-0.5.13-1      [################] 100%      12K     3.7K/s  00:00:03

:: Retrieving packages from community...
 gnucash-2.0.4-4          [################] 100%    5144K     7.4K/s  00:03:07

checking package integrity... done.
error: this will break the following dependencies:
  libxfce4util-svn: is required by libxfcegui4-svn
  libxfce4util-svn: is required by libxfce4mcs-svn
  libxfce4util-svn: is required by thunar-svn
  libxfce4util-svn: is required by xfce4-notes-plugin-svn
  libxfce4util-svn: is required by xfce4-mount-plugin-svn
  exo-svn: is required by thunar-svn
  exo-svn: is required by xfce4-notes-plugin-svn

[shantanu@bluehead ~]$

Either way things are not being updated..... sad


#6 2007-01-24 06:56:27

From: Berlin // Germany
Registered: 2006-06-27
Posts: 510

Re: Recent update not working

*breathes slowly to calm down*

Hello ravisghosh,

isn't it obvious to you what the problem is? On order to use XFCE 4.4 you need to remove each and every trace of XFCE-svn. If you do not do this, stuff gets broken. At this time, the 4.4-packages are of a higher version number than the svn-packages and they conflict with each other because they are intended to replace the svn-packages (it is not even clear if the svn-packages will survive the release of 4.4, IIRC) so it is your best bet to just install the stable version and be done with it.

Do a

pacman -Rs xfce-svn

and remove all traces of the svn-packages. Then do a

pacman -Sy xfce4

and be happy again.

Cheerful, as usual -- mucknert.

Todays mistakes are tomorrows catastrophes.


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