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I've been using KDE on X11 for over a year now, but wanted to try it on Wayland. I installed needed components (as indicated by Arch wiki), but then I switched to KDE Wayland on the SDDM login screen, my old OpenBox setup started instead. So I uninstalled openbox, and now SDDM returns to login screen after starting KDE Wayland.
Last edited by Lockheed (2024-12-26 08:57:01)
What hardware? The fact that this somehow brought you to openbox sounds like your config is quite broken. After such a failure to login, switch to a TTY and post the output of
sudo journalctl -b
It's Intel Corporation UHD Graphics 620 in ThinkPad T480s without dedicated Nvidia card.
Here's journalctl -b
Are you starting openbox unconditionally from some standard parsed config or something? What's in your /etc/profile for example? Did you configure openbox as an alternate window manager for plasma on xorg? You basically die immediately, plasma isn't actually started
pacman -Qkk plasma-wayland-session plasma-desktop plasma-workspace
do you still have stuff like this floating around?
Last edited by V1del (2023-12-22 00:27:07)
It is a 13-year-old Arch install, so there are some remnants of the past. Put I am surprised it would affect KDE Wayland and not KDE X11.
I have a custom ~/.xinitrc that would start different DEs depending on tty number (it should be ignored when using display manager), but I removed it and it changed nothing.
I do have those startup script files, but they are no longer called by KDE autostart, so that should not be a factor.
Last edited by Lockheed (2024-12-20 09:37:09)
Don't do that … es#Bumping
Without input from you the only real assertion can be made that you likely still have some broken config. Test a fresh user with a new and fresh home, if it works copy over configs you know to still need that doesn't trigger the issue until you trigger the issue. Or FWIW what output do you get from
grep -R openbox /etc/environment* /etc/profile* ~/.local ~/.config/plasma* ~/.*profile*
Last edited by V1del (2024-12-20 10:37:07)
> grep -R openbox /etc/environment* /etc/profile* ~/.local ~/.config ~/.*profile*
grep: /home/juha/.local/share/systemd/user/ No such file or directory
grep: /home/juha/.local/share/systemd/user/ No such file or directory
grep: /home/juha/.local/share/webkitgtk/databases/indexeddb/v0: warning: recursive directory loop
grep: /home/juha/.local/share/teamviewer11/dosdevices/z:/media/sda1/.created_by_pmount: Permission denied
nothing conclusive, do you get the same issue with a fresh user? FWIW since your journal link timed out, maybe a new journal of the current state with current software would be useful
I deleted ~/.bash_profile containing
. $HOME/.bashrc
start_wm() {
[[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR > 0 ]] || return
# you can do the set -- as function parameters
# set -- "" dwm pekwm i3 openbox lxqt
[[ $XDG_VTNR > $# ]] && return
eval local wm=\$$XDG_VTNR
[[ -n $wm ]] && exec startx ~/.xinitrc "$wm"
# start_wm vt1_param vt2_param vt3_param ...
# Example: do nothing on vt1, start dwm on vt2,
# start i3 on vt3; do nothing on vt4, start pekwm on vt5
start_wm openbox "" qw d2 gnome i3
and Wayland session started fine.